IBM POWER9TM – IT Infrastructure built for the AI era

It is the right time to have an AI-Ready Compute Infrastructure to leverage AI high performance compute capability without disrupting your present Infrastructure investments. IBM recently announced POWER9 processor – built from the ground-up for data-intensive workloads. It is the only processor with state-of-the-art I/O subsystem technology, including next-generation NVIDIA NVLink, PCIe Gen4, and OpenCAPI.
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Zero-Trust Architecture for Cloud-Native Apps on Hybrid Infrastructure

Zero-trust architecture is now a requirement across the U.S. government and its appeal to organizations of all types is growing. What does this mean for application development and delivery? Service mesh is the federally recommended reference architecture for zero-trust. It is also a leading solution for applications running on hybrid architecture.
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Attributes of a Modern Storage Infrastructure: Perspectives from ESG & Dell EMC

Dell EMC

In the era of digital business, IT managers are increasingly responsible for delivering results that drive the success of their business. To achieve this, it is imperative that IT organizations implement a modern storage infrastructure that enables them to increase agility and thereby gain a competitive advantage. In this webcast, experts from Enterprise Strategy Group and Dell EMC will describe the key attributes and benefits of a modern storage infrastructure.
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Getting Started with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


Are you looking to automate your infrastructure but not sure where to start? Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an approach to manage your network infra, data center server, and storage. IaC has become the standard deployment & management methodology of resources on Azure and other cloud service providers. This approach enables application teams to automate the infrastructure deployments.
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The Essential Role of IT in Ransomware Protection

Up until recently ransomware was exclusively the CISO’s concern. However, with the expansion of the digital footprint and the variety of data sources being used by organizations, the attack surface grew dramatically. The perimeter is never 100% protected and therefore I&O (Infrastructure and Operations) teams need to prepare and protect data as the last line of defense.
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