Models for Monetising 5G & Edge Computing Investments

In this webinar, STL Partners discussed the range of business models that are available to telcos in the enterprise market, demonstrated these through case studies and real-life examples.  STL leveraged the learnings of its research programme and focused on vertical industries and the role of 5G in manufacturing, healthcare, energy, and transport & logistics.
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High Performance Application Security Testing – Cloud WAF Security Platforms

This free 1-hour webinar from GigaOm Research features analyst Jake Dolezal and will focus on comparing Web Application Firewall (WAF) security platforms in an enterprise with high performance needs. This webinar will discuss web application security mechanisms deployed in the cloud. The cloud enables enterprises to differentiate and innovate with microservices at a rapid pace. However, the cloud is just as vulnerable, if not more so, to attacks and breaches as on-premises APIs and apps are. Our focus is specifically on approaches to securing apps, APIs, and microservices that are tuned for high performance and availability. We define “high performance” as companies that experience workloads of more than 1,000 transactions per second (tps) and require a maximum latency below 30 milliseconds across the landscape.
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xModular - Eaton’s unique approach to your expanding data centre needs

With the market continuing to drive a rapid increase in the demand for data and digitalisation, the need for a fast, flexible new build or expansion of your data centres’ power infrastructure will be critical to successful growth.
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Building Microservices on AWS using Serverless Framework


Srini Karlekar, Director of Software Engineering – Enterprise Architecture at Capital One, demonstrated building event-driven microservices built on top of AWS Lambda, Twilio, Amazon Rekognition and IMDbPy API using the Serverless framework. The service took images of celebrities sent by SMS/MMS, match them and send their name and biography back via SMS. By following this on-demand session you will learn how to use Twilio to process SMS/MMS messages, use Boto3 Python library to interface with AWS Rekognition and build services using the Serverless framework. The webinar started with the demonstration of the application and dive into building the application.
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Getting Started with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


Are you looking to automate your infrastructure but not sure where to start? Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an approach to manage your network infra, data center server, and storage. IaC has become the standard deployment & management methodology of resources on Azure and other cloud service providers. This approach enables application teams to automate the infrastructure deployments.
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