December 25, 2018

5G holds the dual promise of unprecedented services and unparalleled user experience. 5G will not be just another G, because it will go beyond capacity as we know it and require networking, as we know it, to change. 4G’s main service was mobile broadband, hence the focus on the capacity and connectivity offered by the radio access network (RAN). The transport network provided MBH (mobile backhaul) as “dumb, nailed-up, capacity pipes”, which linked the RAN to the services and applications in the core of the network. In general, the architecture of choice for 4G MBH was a physical ring supporting logical hub-and-spoke connectivity. Whereas the transition from 3G to 4G was a mere ‘baby step’ in evolutionary terms, the transition to 5G will need to be different. To truly exploit the full potential of 5G will require a giant leap in every sense. And with it comes the potential to offer a vast array of new telecoms services to individuals, businesses, enterprise and mission-critical industries.


Seed Media Group

With a track record of disruptive innovation in areas ranging from scientific publishing to science and design to data visualization, and a portfolio spanning technology, consulting, and digital media, Seed exists to catalyze universal science literacy.

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IPU Based Cloud Infrastructure

whitePaper | December 31, 2022

2020 will go down in history as the year the world met with one of its most significant challenges in nearly a century – the great coronavirus pandemic. The resulting situation can be aptly described by the term “VUCA,” an acronym standing for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. In other words, the world faced a crisis.

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Bringing companies on-chain

whitePaper | January 2, 2023

Brickken is creating a dApp (decentralized application) which provides the infrastructure needed for companies to bring their assets on-chain and self-fund themselves via Security Token Offerings, and for DAOs to be able to operate in a legally compliant environment. Our goal is to bridge offline to online, and web2 to web3 to prepare the world for a new fully tokenized reality.

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whitePaper | January 25, 2023

The future is digital, and the race is on. Businesses across the world are approaching a crucial juncture where those who have the ability to adapt their operations to a rapidly evolving landscape will have the edge over their competitors. The number of devices communicating across the network has been growing exponentially, but that number is about to explode as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to become a reality. As a result, it has never been more important to ensure that the edge of a business’ network is robust, secure and can be upgraded with the speed needed to capitalise on changing business environments.

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SD-WAN for Manufacturing

whitePaper | August 22, 2022

As demand for goods peaks, supply chain instability and labor shortage are forcing manufacturers to become more efficient and find new ways to maximize productivity. Manufacturers are accelerating their path to digitalization or Industry 4.0, to improve automation and be more competitive. Additionally, with the digitalization of their operations, manufacturing companies are increasingly moving their applications to the cloud for more agility and to enable their employees to work-from-anywhere. The number of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) devices is skyrocketing, while IT and OT (operational technology) networks are converging, raising concerns about cybersecurity risks.

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NEAT Evaluation for DXC: End-to-End Cloud Infrastructure Management Services

whitePaper | August 22, 2022

This is a custom report for DXC Technology (DXC) presenting the findings of the NelsonHall NEAT vendor evaluation for End-to-End Cloud Infrastructure Management Services in the Overall, Microsoft Azure Capabilities, and AWS Capabilities market segments. It contains the NEAT graphs of vendor performance, a summary vendor analysis of DXC for end-to-end cloud infrastructure management services, and the latest market analysis summary.

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Building a Successful Cloud Infrastructure Security and Compliance Practice

whitePaper | September 6, 2022

Cloud security truly is a team sport that requires strong collaboration between security, IT and line of business teams. The dynamic nature of cloud is forcing information security teams to rethink how they operate and partner with other groups to address emerging security and compliance challenges their organizations face

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Seed Media Group

With a track record of disruptive innovation in areas ranging from scientific publishing to science and design to data visualization, and a portfolio spanning technology, consulting, and digital media, Seed exists to catalyze universal science literacy.
