Application Infrastructure, Windows Systems and Network


July 19, 2023

6G requires setting achievable goals and continuous communication wi
6G requires setting achievable goals and continuous communication with the market and consumers.  Efforts of all participants in the new 6G ecosystem are required, such as expanding of 6G usage scenarios, selecting candidate spectrums, vitalizing open interfaces, e.g., Open RAN, and simple architecture options, etc.


Trusource Labs

Trusource Labs an Austin-based company dedicated to providing outstanding complex technical support services to innovative companies worldwide. With over 600 employees, our teams are experts in providing positive and beneficial customer experiences related to the Internet of Things and Apple® devices.

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The Right Approach to Zero Trust for IoT Devices

whitePaper | June 6, 2022

Networking and security teams have historically relied on protections at the network perimeter to secure the entire enterprise. The internal network was deemed trusted and secure. While everything outside was considered “dirty,” everything on the internal network was considered “clean,” and application traffic would flow unrestricted. However, recent and developing shifts in enterprise working models are having a far-reaching effect on the traditionally managed network perimeter for security. The following trends are making organizations reassess their approach to security:

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The Evolution of Software to Measure and Manage the Data Center

whitePaper | June 29, 2022

In a growing connected economy, new demands require modern organizations to rethink how they effectively manage their data center environment. Beyond new requirements around the cloud, architectures around edge computing are also placing new strains on business and technology leaders. In a world of constant connectivity performance, efficiency, uptime, and infrastructure visibility take center stage as leaders make decisions around their digital infrastructure.

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Building a Sustainable Future for Data Centers

whitePaper | December 5, 2022

This year is seeing heat records broken around the globe. In London, unprecedented weather even knocked Oracle and Google data centers offline. It’s the clearest sign yet that climate change is here and impacting the world rapidly.

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Navigating Digital Sovereignty and its Impact on the Internet

whitePaper | December 12, 2022

Early this year, a broad alliance of citizens in Brazil published a Digital Sovereignty Charter1 In it, they lamented the rampant extraction and manipulation of local data by large technology companies and urged the government to support interoperable and open technologies, and data centers for common use.

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Smart Cities and Infrastructure

whitePaper | December 14, 2022

Provincial and municipal governments have established record infrastructure pipelines to create jobs, revive the economy and provide citizens with sustainable public assets in the wake of COVID-19. Creating sustainable public assets that serve citizens has become a priority for all levels of government, with a wealth of agencies transforming the way they design, build and manage smart and sustainable city infrastructure

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Aging Data Centers and Why Enterprises Shouldn’t Retrofit Them

whitePaper | June 15, 2022

Data creation, consumption, and the need to store and process it may have no foreseeable end, but a data center facility has a closing date. Data centers can last 20 to 30 years, but its economically productive lifespan often caps at 10-15 years. Too often, enterprises attempt to squeeze as much life out of their data centers as possible despite drawbacks.

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Trusource Labs

Trusource Labs an Austin-based company dedicated to providing outstanding complex technical support services to innovative companies worldwide. With over 600 employees, our teams are experts in providing positive and beneficial customer experiences related to the Internet of Things and Apple® devices.
