Evaluation of LTE-M towards 5G IoT requirements

March 1, 2018

LTE-M, a machine-focused variant of the 3GPP LTE standard, is designed to meet the high-coverage, low-cost, and lowpower consumption requirements of the Internet of Things (IoT). In January 2017, a group of more than a dozen industry players evaluated LTE-M’s coverage performance, and published a white paper which concludes that LTE-M supports the very deep coverage required for IoT applications [1]. This follow-up paper takes the next step to evaluate the message latency, battery life, and capacity performance for LTE-M category-M1 devices.


Mobisoft Infotech - Mobile Solution Experts

Mobisoft Infotech is a global technology services company that combines deep domain expertise and cross-industry experience offering a full range of product life-cycle services to Startups to large enterprises. We've gained insight from working on innovative products and disruptive technologies that also helping us to collaborate with customers for continuous market readiness and improvements.

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New Data Sources and Innovative AI Are Redefining the Business of Lending

whitePaper | December 26, 2022

The business of lending money is rapidly changing. Innovative technology, fueled by expanding data and artificial intelligence (AI), is redefining borrowing. Traditional lenders, as well as alternative sources such as nonbank and "buy now, pay later" (BNPL) providers, are reimagining how people and businesses obtain credit.

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Aging Data Centers and Why Enterprises Shouldn’t Retrofit Them

whitePaper | June 15, 2022

Data creation, consumption, and the need to store and process it may have no foreseeable end, but a data center facility has a closing date. Data centers can last 20 to 30 years, but its economically productive lifespan often caps at 10-15 years. Too often, enterprises attempt to squeeze as much life out of their data centers as possible despite drawbacks.

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Exploring the future of the network

whitePaper | February 23, 2023

The 5TONIC co-creation laboratory was launched in 2015 to provide an open environment where members from services, users and SMEs can collaborate with the telecom community on specific 5G mobile research and innovation projects. The aim is to support innovation and help organizations work together to develop and deliver market-ready 5G solutions, technology applications and business ventures. 5TONIC promotes joint project development, entrepreneurial ventures, discussion fora, events and conferences with focus on 5G mobile technology, supporting members along the technological cycle from research to practical business application.

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The Right Approach to Zero Trust for IoT Devices

whitePaper | June 6, 2022

Networking and security teams have historically relied on protections at the network perimeter to secure the entire enterprise. The internal network was deemed trusted and secure. While everything outside was considered “dirty,” everything on the internal network was considered “clean,” and application traffic would flow unrestricted. However, recent and developing shifts in enterprise working models are having a far-reaching effect on the traditionally managed network perimeter for security. The following trends are making organizations reassess their approach to security:

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ScaleN: Elastic Infrastructure

whitePaper | September 19, 2022

Emerging data center models are based on flexibility and non-disruptive, on-demand scalability. Infrastructure must not only support these capabilities, but be able itself to provide these same benefits and capabilities. F5 ScaleN is a breakthrough in high availability and scalability, offering the robust capabilities required to enable multi-tenant solutions, elastic applications, and infrastructure for any environment.

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Technology Companies RealizeTransformative Benefits From Advanced SD-WAN With Integrated Security

whitePaper | October 24, 2022

Technology-driven organizations have the lead in embracing new technology trends for their digital transformation initiatives. The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented challenges in terms of disrupted operations, changed delivery models, and the urgent need to support remote work for enterprises in all industries. Technology companies were best able to adjust to the new circumstances, since most were already well into their digital transformation journey. The pandemic further emphasized the need to accelerate digital maturity and align IT investments with changing business needs. Organizations are thus prioritizing solutions that enable IT resource optimization; operational efficiency and customer experience improvement; as well as support an increasingly distributed workforce.

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Mobisoft Infotech - Mobile Solution Experts

Mobisoft Infotech is a global technology services company that combines deep domain expertise and cross-industry experience offering a full range of product life-cycle services to Startups to large enterprises. We've gained insight from working on innovative products and disruptive technologies that also helping us to collaborate with customers for continuous market readiness and improvements.
