CfP: 6G; visions, use cases and technologies, Workshop IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference

Various parts of the world are working and racing towards the creation of 6G. The Workshop “6G: visions, use cases and technologies” as part of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference held from 9-12 January 2022 in Las Vegas, USA aims at clarifying the views on 6G and to inform on what to expect. As central future communication technology and basis for an increasingly important part of the society, we expect 6G to lay the foundation for future consumer communications and networking. The Workshop is organized by the European 6G Flagship project Hexa-X in cooperation with the Next G Alliance.


The DORA report helps tech companies and startups understand DevOps practices that drive successful software delivery and operational performance, how their organization compares to others based on key metrics, how cultural changes can improve supply chain security, and why high-trust and low-blame cultures have higher organizat


The DORA report helps tech companies and startups understand DevOps practices that drive successful software delivery and operational performance, how their organization compares to others based on key metrics, how cultural changes can improve supply chain security, and why high-trust and low-blame cultures have higher organizat
