The Top 10 Best Practices for Data Center Operational Success

The Top 10 Best Practices for Data Center Operational Success
One of the most important factors in reducing downtime and the number of incidents caused by human error in a data center is to create tightly aligned and well-run teams that work with discipline and a consistent culture of teamwork and improvement. Creating a culture of operational efficiency is harder than it sounds and impacts all facets of any mission critical facility. This webinar will look at the 10 most important steps to take to build, support and put strong teams into action, including the ever-important hand-off to operations after construction of a data center and the role Tier Certification can play in the strategic execution of taking a new data center live.
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2023년 데이터 AI 트렌드 보고서를 통해 Google Cloud의 인사이트와 IDC 연구 결과 내용 중 선도 기업이 최신 정보와 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 활용하고 있는 데이터 AI의 5가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 알아보세요. Data Cloud가 지향하는 방향과 그 이유 최신 데이터 생태계가 설계되는 방식 AI가 오늘날의 데이터 전략에 적합한 경우 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 투자로 더 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것 오늘날 가장 큰 도전과제인 데이터 보안 문제와 기업이 이를 해결하는 방법


Protecting Industrial Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks

Nozomi Networks Inc.

Vulnerable industrial and critical infrastructure environments, long thought immune from cyber threats, are being targeted by attackers. The interconnectedness of industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) networks with IT networks has opened them up for exploitation by attackers. Current OT monitoring tools are tools are better-suited for performance monitoring, not security. Securing industrial infrastructure requires visibility to the environment and the ability to quickly detect threats targeting the environment.
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Making the Hybrid Cloud Real


Most data centers today are saddled with supporting a mix of traditional IT and cloud infrastructure, each with their own operational model, cost profile and technical skill-set requirements. The hybrid cloud promises a single operating model across the data center, with better security and greater agility. In this session you’ll learn how VMware and Dell EMC VxRail can help you realize a secure, operationally efficient and future-proof hybrid cloud.
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Power BI Dashboard in an Hour


Join Microsoft and your peers to learn how other organizations are thinking about business intelligence. We'll discuss how Microsoft is providing you with insightful new ways to work with data through Power BI. The dashboard allows your users to easily search, discover, and access data within and outside your organisation. With just a few clicks, Power BI enables you to shape and transform data; uncover hidden insights to share and collaborate from anywhere, on any device.
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Securing Infrastructure-as-Code From Tampering and Misconfigurations

Moving applications and development to the cloud has delivered operational benefits at scale. Faster release cycles and microservices architectures drive complexity and a need for speed that can only be solved by automation via infrastructure-as-code (IaC). However, deploying new tools creates new attack surfaces, and IaC is no different.
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2023년 데이터 AI 트렌드 보고서를 통해 Google Cloud의 인사이트와 IDC 연구 결과 내용 중 선도 기업이 최신 정보와 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 활용하고 있는 데이터 AI의 5가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 알아보세요. Data Cloud가 지향하는 방향과 그 이유 최신 데이터 생태계가 설계되는 방식 AI가 오늘날의 데이터 전략에 적합한 경우 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 투자로 더 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것 오늘날 가장 큰 도전과제인 데이터 보안 문제와 기업이 이를 해결하는 방법
