Surging Demand and The Global Internet Infrastructure

Surging Demand and The Global Internet Infrastructure
As face-to-face and public discussions from classrooms to business meetings have been forced to move online exclusively, the substantial increase in traffic is already straining the world’s internet infrastructure. What are the long-term implications of this surging demand? How will the design of the internet change to accommodate the video and other tech platforms that we will increasingly rely on? How will governments and companies manage the surge in traffic and what will it mean for internet shutdowns and censorship? How will this dynamic affect the next range of internet standards meetings which will be taking place virtually for the first time in three decades?
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2023년 데이터 AI 트렌드 보고서를 통해 Google Cloud의 인사이트와 IDC 연구 결과 내용 중 선도 기업이 최신 정보와 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 활용하고 있는 데이터 AI의 5가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 알아보세요. Data Cloud가 지향하는 방향과 그 이유 최신 데이터 생태계가 설계되는 방식 AI가 오늘날의 데이터 전략에 적합한 경우 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 투자로 더 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것 오늘날 가장 큰 도전과제인 데이터 보안 문제와 기업이 이를 해결하는 방법


MegaCast - Converged, Hyperconverged, & Composable Infrastructure


Do you spend too much time managing your infrastructure? IT Organizations of all sizes are looking to convergence to allow them to make their data center infrastructure more efficient, more scalable, and more affordable. Whether it’s converged infrastructure, hyperconverged infrastructure, or composable infrastructure, the end result is greater simplicity and streamlined operations in the datacenter.
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Hyperconvergence for simplified IT


Hyperconvergence is the new generation of data center management solution which is designed to simplify IT operations. In this webinar, we will learn how the all-in-one characteristics of the hyper-converged data center are attractive to IT professionals who are used to having to piece these components together themselves or with the sometimes-costly assistance of vendors and IT consultants. Hyperconvergence also enables generalists to administer the systems.
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5G Laying Groundwork for a Completely Digitalized and Connected Future

5G, with its gigabytes data throughput and ultralow latency, can access numerous high-value sectors such as 3D robotic control, virtual reality monitoring, and remote medical control that earlier technologies could not. Over the last two years, we have seen an increasing number of consumer network rollouts and field testing. Furthermore, we are seeing some of the most prominent industry companies begin to implement 5G in their businesses. This is only the beginning of how 5G will eventually alter and accelerate breakthroughs in industries like automotive, entertainment, computing, manufacturing, and ultimately the way we work and live.
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High Performance Application Security Testing – Cloud WAF Security Platforms

This free 1-hour webinar from GigaOm Research features analyst Jake Dolezal and will focus on comparing Web Application Firewall (WAF) security platforms in an enterprise with high performance needs. This webinar will discuss web application security mechanisms deployed in the cloud. The cloud enables enterprises to differentiate and innovate with microservices at a rapid pace. However, the cloud is just as vulnerable, if not more so, to attacks and breaches as on-premises APIs and apps are. Our focus is specifically on approaches to securing apps, APIs, and microservices that are tuned for high performance and availability. We define “high performance” as companies that experience workloads of more than 1,000 transactions per second (tps) and require a maximum latency below 30 milliseconds across the landscape.
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2023년 데이터 AI 트렌드 보고서를 통해 Google Cloud의 인사이트와 IDC 연구 결과 내용 중 선도 기업이 최신 정보와 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 활용하고 있는 데이터 AI의 5가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 알아보세요. Data Cloud가 지향하는 방향과 그 이유 최신 데이터 생태계가 설계되는 방식 AI가 오늘날의 데이터 전략에 적합한 경우 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 투자로 더 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것 오늘날 가장 큰 도전과제인 데이터 보안 문제와 기업이 이를 해결하는 방법
