Strategies to Enabling the Hybrid Cloud

Many businesses today are moving toward a hybrid cloud infrastructure because of the benefits it offers IT. It enables businesses to consolidate operations, modernize their infrastructure, improve application performance and better enable globalization. However, there can be a number of challenges moving to the hybrid cloud including:
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4 Things those with Digital Integration Hubs (DIH) do that others can’t – and how they fuel innovation

We’re excited to have Gartner’s Massimo Pezzini, VP Distinguished Analyst and Research Fellow Emeritus, and Suhas Uliyar, VP Digital Assistant, AI & Integration at Oracle, exploring how Digital Integration Hub design principles are shaping connected business strategy and accelerating innovation for your end-to-end ERP, HCM, and CX processes. In this webinar you will learn:
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Making Application Mobility for Test/Dev Across VMware Infrastructure and Public Clouds a Reality


Enterprise organizations that are in the process of transforming their private VMware clouds into hybrid clouds are often presented with scenarios for making on-premises virtual machines, applications, and data readily usable in public clouds. Traditionally, achieving such tasks is not easy due to the migration and conversion of virtual machines and how it may impact application and data stored within them.
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Building a Verified IoT Data Management Platform


Join this webinar to learn how to build an IoT data management solution at the endpoint, using commercial tools for IoT databases, data distribution systems on Linux. We’ll also discuss how to manage and analyze sensor data locally within the Industrial IoT paradigm for faster responses and to reduce reliance on the cloud infrastructure.
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The Top 10 Best Practices for Data Center Operational Success

One of the most important factors in reducing downtime and the number of incidents caused by human error in a data center is to create tightly aligned and well-run teams that work with discipline and a consistent culture of teamwork and improvement. Creating a culture of operational efficiency is harder than it sounds and impacts all facets of any mission critical facility. This webinar will look at the 10 most important steps to take to build, support and put strong teams into action, including the ever-important hand-off to operations after construction of a data center and the role Tier Certification can play in the strategic execution of taking a new data center live.
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