Shifting Left on Infrastructure Security and Compliance

We hear a lot about “Shifting Left” on security and compliance in order to find and fix policy violations and security vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. When security and compliance comes later, making changes become more expensive and slows things down. However, nearly all of the focus with shifting left is on the application and OS, with scant attention paid to infrastructure security and compliance.
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2023년 데이터 AI 트렌드 보고서를 통해 Google Cloud의 인사이트와 IDC 연구 결과 내용 중 선도 기업이 최신 정보와 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 활용하고 있는 데이터 AI의 5가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 알아보세요. Data Cloud가 지향하는 방향과 그 이유 최신 데이터 생태계가 설계되는 방식 AI가 오늘날의 데이터 전략에 적합한 경우 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 투자로 더 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것 오늘날 가장 큰 도전과제인 데이터 보안 문제와 기업이 이를 해결하는 방법


2019 Trends in Datacenter Services & Infrastructure

451 Research

Datacenters are under pressure: They must be the right size, in the right location, with the right connectivity. Despite efforts to move redundancy into applications, datacenter infrastructure is expected to function 24/7, as efficiently as possible. The largest customers are pushing for innovation and faster builds. Datacenter vendors and service providers are responding by becoming more flexible and adopting new technologies, but more change – particularly from the growth of IoT and 5G deployments – will be required for the industry in the years ahead.
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Striking the Right Balance for Insights, Privacy, and Compliance

Want to make your digital transformation a success? Data governance and access control are key to that effort. Even if digital transformation doesn’t motivate you, compliance with GDPR, CCPA – and other regulatory frameworks for data protection – should. But implementing access controls manually, one data source at a time, won’t cut it anymore. Instead, you need a policy- and workflow-based approach that works across different repositories and platforms, in databases and data lakes, both on-premises and across multiple clouds.
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Data Protection: The MSP Opportunity in a Data-centric World

Data – it’s what makes the world go round today. From website analytics to IoT devices, the number of data points businesses absorb through their customers is incredible. IDC (News - Alert) has predicted that by 2025, the world will be generating almost half a Zettabyte of data each day by 2025. To put that into terms most people understand, one Zettabyte is equal to a billion Terabytes. Assuming laptops about a foot in width with a 1 TB drive, lining up a billion laptops side by side would cover 189,000 miles – almost 80% of the distance to the moon!
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Performance Clinic: Network & infrastructure performance monitoring of your hybrid multi-cloud

Whilst wire data is still a good source of information for some on-premise applications, as companies move into the cloud packet data isn’t always an option. In this Performance Clinic, hear real-world examples of how Dynatrace provides network and infrastructure-centric capabilities to customers, including API data and log analytics, all backed by our AI engine Davis. And, get hands-on with exercises to help deploy Dynatrace in your own environment.
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2023년 데이터 AI 트렌드 보고서를 통해 Google Cloud의 인사이트와 IDC 연구 결과 내용 중 선도 기업이 최신 정보와 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 활용하고 있는 데이터 AI의 5가지 주요 트렌드에 대해 알아보세요. Data Cloud가 지향하는 방향과 그 이유 최신 데이터 생태계가 설계되는 방식 AI가 오늘날의 데이터 전략에 적합한 경우 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 투자로 더 나은 결과를 얻기 위해 필요한 것 오늘날 가장 큰 도전과제인 데이터 보안 문제와 기업이 이를 해결하는 방법
