Shift Left: Balancing DevOps and Infrastructure Security

Shift Left: Balancing DevOps and Infrastructure Security
The benefits of cloud transformation and app modernization initiatives are clear for large, mature organizations: cost savings, flexible software development, faster app release cycles, business agility and innovation. Application security postures are evolving to include shift-left patterns during development in addition to production-specific security requirements that are unique to cloud environments. This impacts customers who are unclear or unprepared for the separation of concerns between development and production and who are uncertain how to prepare for a changing threat landscape.
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The DORA report helps tech companies and startups understand DevOps practices that drive successful software delivery and operational performance, how their organization compares to others based on key metrics, how cultural changes can improve supply chain security, and why high-trust and low-blame cultures have higher organizat


Greener and scalable solutions for Data Centers – GE Aero derivatives

The Data Centers Industry went through a massive growth pattern in the past decade due to cloud computing transformation, hyperscale, 5G networks and other technological and socioeconomic changes. This technological evolution introduced challenges to the Data Centers owners in terms of sustainability, cost effectiveness and reliable operation. Hence, utilities are facing challenges to meet the Data Centers demands as the growth of data continues to expand.
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Data Center Due Diligence: Assessing Risk in Your Critical Infrastructure

Whether you are considering an expansion of existing facilities, consolidation of multiple data center sites, or an acquisition or divestiture of data center assets, this session will cover some key points to mitigate risk, identify the infrastructure and operational health of assets, management and operations, lifecycle considerations, and the overall resiliency of key data center assets.
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Why the most efficient data centers use open computing solution

Large data center operators, including the biggest cloud service providers (SPs), have invested significant time and effort to optimize and run their data centers efficiently at scale. While some large cloud SPs keep their data center designs confidential, others—like Facebook and Microsoft—share their best practices openly through initiatives such as the Open Compute Project (OCP). OCP technologies are gaining broader adoption. For example, one-third of all servers shipped in 2020 were based on an OCP specification. Many of those will be located at the edge as latency increasingly becomes a performance determinant for workloads like content delivery, connected device management and AI.
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Multi-cloud Networking with VMware NSX


As organizations address their growing infrastructure needs and redundancy plans, many have been adopting a multi-data center/multi-cloud strategy. IT organizations often face serious challenges in managing, securing, connecting, and maintaining compliance across their data centers. These data centers often require manual network reconfiguration to enable mobility between data center sites or clouds.
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The DORA report helps tech companies and startups understand DevOps practices that drive successful software delivery and operational performance, how their organization compares to others based on key metrics, how cultural changes can improve supply chain security, and why high-trust and low-blame cultures have higher organizat
