Is legacy GIS failing network infrastructure companies?

In a webinar not to be missed, ‘Is legacy GIS failing network infrastructure companies?’, our panel of experts explore this strategic question in depth and set out recommendations for network operators facing legacy GIS challenges.  This webinar is now available to view on demand. Network infrastructure providers are dealing with increasingly complex ecosystems involving a wide range of software applications that support many different field construction and maintenance activities. Core to a technology strategy is a GIS solution, but most were designed 20-30 years ago for the creation and maintenance of paper maps that record network assets.
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The Essential Role of IT in Ransomware Protection

Up until recently ransomware was exclusively the CISO’s concern. However, with the expansion of the digital footprint and the variety of data sources being used by organizations, the attack surface grew dramatically. The perimeter is never 100% protected and therefore I&O (Infrastructure and Operations) teams need to prepare and protect data as the last line of defense.
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GDPR Noncompliance: Avoid the Risk with Data Virtualization


In its recent report “Predictions 2018: A year of reckoning”, Forrester predicts that 80% of firms affected by GDPR will not comply with the regulation by May 2018. Of those noncompliant firms, 50% will intentionally not comply. Compliance doesn’t have to be this difficult! What if you have an opportunity to facilitate GDPR compliance with a mature technology and significant cost reduction? Data virtualization is a mature, cost-effective technology that enables privacy by design to facilitate GDPR compliance.
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Breaking Down 5G Network Transformation


Realizing the revenue opportunity of 5G will ultimately depend upon new and innovative approaches to network architectures and the economics of service delivery.This webinar will explore new solutions that enable network operators to efficiently manage traffic from the cell tower to the central unit (CU) and distributed unit (DU) by using open, disaggregated, and software-enabled capabilities designed to align traffic flows to specific 5G services and applications.
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"Defending the Castle: Back to the Future using Isolated Networks"


Air-gapped and isolated networks shine in certain cyber defense situations where very high levels of protection are required. Their main advantage is that they greatly reduce the attack surface and even make many attack types unfeasible.
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