4 Reasons to Choose Azure for Your Infrastructure Needs

Microsoft Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides computing, networking, and storage services with a high degree of control, security, and simplicity. In this webinar, you’ll learn the advantages of IaaS, see how it differs from competitors, and walk away with ideas for moving your workloads to the cloud.
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Modernize Your Data Center Through Open Source – Tools and Techniques

Cumulus Networks

As recently as a decade ago, virtually every data center was proprietary and engineers saw no other alternative. The open networking movement had yet to make a strong foothold. It was in this environment that Cumulus Networks was founded, with a mission to allow companies to leverage any software and hardware needed to accelerate this business.
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The Future of Data Agility in the World’s New Normal

The pandemic may be receding, but emergent situations like fires, hurricanes, and other events disruptive to business continue to arise frequently. The impact on business is significant, and it all amps up the need for organizations to be agile in a data-driven manner. Meanwhile, the data and analytics world has many segments, islands of functionality, areas of innovation, and ecosystems within ecosystems. That makes data technology-rich, but it can also slow down data-driven progress. To fix this, we must take an end-to-end approach to analytics.
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Performance Assurance for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization with eG Innovations

eG innovations

Join this webinar to learn how you can build performance assurance into your Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization infrastructure from the start to ensure exceptional performance and user experience, and dramatically simplify and accelerate troubleshooting.
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Getting Started with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


Are you looking to automate your infrastructure but not sure where to start? Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an approach to manage your network infra, data center server, and storage. IaC has become the standard deployment & management methodology of resources on Azure and other cloud service providers. This approach enables application teams to automate the infrastructure deployments.
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