Q&A with Alexander Von Zitzewitz, CEO at hello2morrow Inc.

Alexander Von Zitzewitz, CEO at hello2morrow Inc.
Alexander von Zitzewitz, CEO at hello2morrow Inc., is also the company's co-founder and managing director. He has more than 25 years of project and management experience. In 1993, he founded ootec - a company focused on project services around object-oriented software technology. In March 2000, this company was sold to Valtech group, a French company and from 2003 to early 2005, he worked as company Director for Central Europe for a French software vendor. His areas of expertise are object-oriented system design and large scale system architecture.

So many systems end up as a big dreaded ball of mud (which is totally preventable) when designing an enforceable architecture model.

MEDIA 7: You founded hello2morrow over 15 years ago. What has that journey been like?
It has been a wild and interesting journey. We had our first product SonarJ a couple of months after founding the company in April of 2005. But we did not have enough revenue from the product to sustain us, so we did consulting gigs on the side to survive. Two years later, we broke even and were able to focus all our energy on improving the product. In 2008, we won the second prize for the most innovative product at the Jax conference in Mainz, Germany. That was also the year when we expanded our operations to the United States. In hindsight, that was quite bad timing; we started there just a month before the Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. But we managed to survive and today the US is an important market for us with customers like Apple and Car Gurus.

M7: How does hello2morrow help its clients avoid the accumulation of technical debt?
I founded the company with the conviction that the structure and architecture of a software system is the key factor for its long-term sustainability and maintainability. So many systems end up as a big dreaded ball of mud (which is totally preventable) when designing an enforceable architecture model. I consider architectural debt to be the most toxic form of technical debt because it requires risky and error-prone global refactorings to fix it. So, one key feature of the Sonargraph product family is to enable developers and architects to create architectural models either via a powerful and easy-to-learn software-architecture DSL (domain-specific language) or interactively over our architectural view. This model can then be used in the automated CI build to break the build if certain configurable conditions are met. Here at hello2morrow, the build breaks every time somebody violates the architecture or introduces a cyclical dependency. In the meantime, Sonargraph covers a lot more than just architectural and structural issues. For example, we can mine the version control history to create dynamic 3D visualizations of your software system.

In this picture (from the open-source project Apache Cassandra) each building is a source file. The footprint size of the building is determined by the size of the file in lines of code. Its height is determined by the complexity, and its color comes from the change frequency within the last 90 days. This is interesting because you'd like to find tall red buildings which point to files that are highly complex and changed often, in other words, ideal candidates for refactoring. I'd say, right now, Sonargraph is the leading product for use cases like software modernization and continuous mitigation of technical and architectural debt.

The main reason we exist is to help our customers create better and more maintainable software.

M7: Could you please tell us a little bit about the different services hello2morrow provides to its customers to make the software more agile?
The main reason we exist is to help our customers create better and more maintainable software. Sonargraph can definitely help with that, but the tool also has a learning curve. So, we offer services like software assessments, reduction of technical and architectural debt, modernization of software, and our very popular virtual architect service. With this service, we organize weekly online sessions of 60 to 90 minutes with one of your lead developers or architects and work with them to solve specific issues detected by Sonargraph. Doing that for a couple of weeks can achieve amazing and noticeable results. And since it is only 60 to 90 minutes per week it is also very affordable.

M7: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your and your team’s work ethic?
As a small business distributed over Germany, the US, and Colombia, we are used to working from home, so Covid had no impact on the way we work. But it made our sales operations harder which relies a lot on large software development conferences. So we had to learn how to sell without person-to-person contact only using online meetings and targeted advertising on social media.

"Fake it until you make it", which means always believe in the success of your vision even if it has not manifested yet.

M7: Could you tell us about some of the latest developments at hello2morrow that you and your team are excited about?
I believe that the addition of version control metrics and the powerful new 3D tree-view visualization has added a lot of value to Sonargraph. Moreover, we made licensing a lot more flexible with the addition of team licenses, integrator licenses, and personal licenses, which immediately led to a significant uptick in the number of active users.

M7: What is some advice you received that has helped shape your personal and professional life?
Believe in your vision and fight for it. Also "fake it until you make it", which means always believe in the success of your vision even if it has not manifested yet.


hello2morrow's vision is to help their customers build better software by providing tools and services that empower sustainable software craftsmanship. They believe that keeping technical debt under control is critical for the development of high-quality and maintainable software. Their products use static analysis to detect technical debt by checking for violations of a customizable set of architecture and programming rules. By integrating those checks into the developers’ IDE and the automated build process, rule violations can be detected at the earliest possible moment making them easy and inexpensive to fix.

By avoiding the accumulation of technical debt, the overall cost of a software project can be easily reduced by 30% or more. Risks are reduced while software quality increases. Teams become more agile because it is a lot easier to work on a clean and well-structured codebase. In addition, transparency is increased because the quality metrics of a project can be made available to all stakeholders. hello2morrow was founded as a self-funded independent software vendor in 2005 by Dietmar Menges and Alexander von Zitzewitz. They currently have more than 200 customers in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Australia, with offices in Germany, the United States, and Colombia.

More C-Suite on deck

Q&A with Amy Barzdukas, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer at Poly

MEDIA 7 | November 21, 2019

Amy Barzdukas, EVP and Chief Marketing Officer at Poly is a marketing and communications leader with extensive experience in setting strategy, shifting perceptions, advising customers, digital marketing, revenue marketing, integrated marketing communications, and public relations in highly competitive product arenas. Amy is known for her ability to create and execute winning turnarounds on a global scale. MEDIA 7: What inspired you to get into marketing? AMY BARZDUKAS: I was always destined for marketing, even if I didn’t know it. As a child, I collected promotional brochures. I was fascinated by how the words and pictures were used to drive action. My first job was as an advertising copywriter, and I’ve never looked back. M7: How is Poly redefining the video conferencing experience for modern businesses? AB: We’re in an unprecedented time of change in our industry. Voice and video services are moving to the cloud, and companies are changing how they approach their communications needs. Poly is the largest provider of the devices – video conferencing, audio conferencing, headphones and desk phones – you use to connect to these services so you can collaborate with your colleagues. That uniquely positions us to shape the video conferencing experience, and we’re doing so in four ways. First, Poly has made both the Zoom Rooms and the Microsoft Teams video conferencing experience better than ever with our radically simple Poly Studio X video bars that deliver these experiences with no PC or Mac required. We’ve got decades of experience in understanding what makes meetings more human – for everyone in the room and those dialing in from other locations – and we’ve packed all of that into easy-to-install, easy-to-manage, and easy-to-use all-in-one powerhouses. Second, we are bringing the world of AV and video conferencing into the modern app economy. Our Studio X series and Poly G7500 video conferencing devices run a common platform that can be updated and enhanced through a series of regular software updates. This Poly platform, built on Android, can run applications like a smartphone does today. Third, Poly has introduced innovation that makes any video conference better. Our new Poly MeetingAI features use AI and machine learning to address the distractions that hit your senses in a meeting. We make it easier to hear what’s being said by blocking out the annoying noises that people make while talking, and we make it easier to see what’s going on in the room with the most advanced speaker tracking and framing, and our built-in production rules. Finally, we are pricing our solutions in a way that completely resets the calculations on what it costs to outfit a room. The Studio X30, for huddle room and smaller spaces, costs just about $2,100, including the Poly TC8 touch controller. All you add is the cloud service and a monitor, and you have a room up and running for under $2,500. That’s easily under the cost of other solutions and with better audio and video quality.

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Q&A with Sangram Vajre, Co-founder & Chief Evangelist at Terminus

MEDIA 7 | January 9, 2020

Sangram Vajre, Co-Founder & Chief Evangelist at Terminus is also an author and host of the podcast FlipmyFunnel. He is one of the leading minds in B2B marketing. MEDIA 7: What are you passionate about? SANGRAM VAJRE: Three things: Lead professionally. Grow personally. Love family. M7: Terminus has been recognized as one of Georgia’s 40 fastest-growing companies by ACG Atlanta. What factors contribute to this pace? SV: One of our core values is #OneTeam – which means we think and act as one team and know that if we treat our team right, they will treat our customers amazing. There are no great companies, only great people that make those companies.

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Q&A with Ed Breault, Chief Marketing Officer at Aprimo

MEDIA 7 | November 28, 2019

Ed Breault, Chief Marketing Officer at Aprimo is a marketer with over 18 years of industry experience. At Aprimo, Ed is responsible for the global brand and growth which includes all Paid/Owned/Earned media, Brand Experience, Product Marketing, Industry Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Strategic Communications, Content Marketing, Analyst Relations, Alliance Marketing, Public Relations, Events, Demand Generation and Account-Based Marketing. MEDIA 7: What’s your superpower? ED BREAULT: I would say it’s applying the full spectrum of art and science that is required in marketing today. Not just left or right brained, but whole-brained strategy. Being human yet data-driven and really understanding numbers and (the right) metrics to make connections to business drivers. Add storytelling to that, so I can effectively communicate to my team, the CEO and CFO as well as my Board of Directors on those metrics, and connecting all that we are doing in marketing to the mission of the business. Then quickly shifting gears to the art and creative aspects of marketing that are required to engage an audience and tell great commercial stories that take complex concepts and craft them in a way that is interesting for people to pay attention to. I have to be the ultimate point of truth for the brand. M7: At Aprimo, how have marketing leadership roles and responsibilities evolved over the past few years? EB: There are so many dimensions needed by marketing leaders today. There are several elements driving this evolution, it’s the new experience battlefront that is emerging and also marketers themselves driving changes. From a market perspective, there is a clear appetite for disruption and consumers are wanting more experiential elements to their buying experience and interactions with brands. Take a few direct to consumer disruptions like trialing products in-home, purchasing directly from a brand or even wanting to ensure that the producer’s trade practices are in line with the buyer’s or even a regulator’s for that matter. Then we want to try before we buy, and we emotionally care about the supply chain of products. Do we TRUST this brand to do business with them? Behind all of this is a story that needs to be told, and it is those marketers who know their audience well and make connections that will win the commercial game. Back to the marketer, there are so many diverse backgrounds that marketers bring now and I’m really intrigued by those who have unconventional backgrounds because they contribute something uniquely new to the field. I love hearing about the marketer’s journey.

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Q&A with Amy Barzdukas, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer at Poly

MEDIA 7 | November 21, 2019

Amy Barzdukas, EVP and Chief Marketing Officer at Poly is a marketing and communications leader with extensive experience in setting strategy, shifting perceptions, advising customers, digital marketing, revenue marketing, integrated marketing communications, and public relations in highly competitive product arenas. Amy is known for her ability to create and execute winning turnarounds on a global scale. MEDIA 7: What inspired you to get into marketing? AMY BARZDUKAS: I was always destined for marketing, even if I didn’t know it. As a child, I collected promotional brochures. I was fascinated by how the words and pictures were used to drive action. My first job was as an advertising copywriter, and I’ve never looked back. M7: How is Poly redefining the video conferencing experience for modern businesses? AB: We’re in an unprecedented time of change in our industry. Voice and video services are moving to the cloud, and companies are changing how they approach their communications needs. Poly is the largest provider of the devices – video conferencing, audio conferencing, headphones and desk phones – you use to connect to these services so you can collaborate with your colleagues. That uniquely positions us to shape the video conferencing experience, and we’re doing so in four ways. First, Poly has made both the Zoom Rooms and the Microsoft Teams video conferencing experience better than ever with our radically simple Poly Studio X video bars that deliver these experiences with no PC or Mac required. We’ve got decades of experience in understanding what makes meetings more human – for everyone in the room and those dialing in from other locations – and we’ve packed all of that into easy-to-install, easy-to-manage, and easy-to-use all-in-one powerhouses. Second, we are bringing the world of AV and video conferencing into the modern app economy. Our Studio X series and Poly G7500 video conferencing devices run a common platform that can be updated and enhanced through a series of regular software updates. This Poly platform, built on Android, can run applications like a smartphone does today. Third, Poly has introduced innovation that makes any video conference better. Our new Poly MeetingAI features use AI and machine learning to address the distractions that hit your senses in a meeting. We make it easier to hear what’s being said by blocking out the annoying noises that people make while talking, and we make it easier to see what’s going on in the room with the most advanced speaker tracking and framing, and our built-in production rules. Finally, we are pricing our solutions in a way that completely resets the calculations on what it costs to outfit a room. The Studio X30, for huddle room and smaller spaces, costs just about $2,100, including the Poly TC8 touch controller. All you add is the cloud service and a monitor, and you have a room up and running for under $2,500. That’s easily under the cost of other solutions and with better audio and video quality.

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Q&A with Sangram Vajre, Co-founder & Chief Evangelist at Terminus

MEDIA 7 | January 9, 2020

Sangram Vajre, Co-Founder & Chief Evangelist at Terminus is also an author and host of the podcast FlipmyFunnel. He is one of the leading minds in B2B marketing. MEDIA 7: What are you passionate about? SANGRAM VAJRE: Three things: Lead professionally. Grow personally. Love family. M7: Terminus has been recognized as one of Georgia’s 40 fastest-growing companies by ACG Atlanta. What factors contribute to this pace? SV: One of our core values is #OneTeam – which means we think and act as one team and know that if we treat our team right, they will treat our customers amazing. There are no great companies, only great people that make those companies.

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Q&A with Ed Breault, Chief Marketing Officer at Aprimo

MEDIA 7 | November 28, 2019

Ed Breault, Chief Marketing Officer at Aprimo is a marketer with over 18 years of industry experience. At Aprimo, Ed is responsible for the global brand and growth which includes all Paid/Owned/Earned media, Brand Experience, Product Marketing, Industry Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Strategic Communications, Content Marketing, Analyst Relations, Alliance Marketing, Public Relations, Events, Demand Generation and Account-Based Marketing. MEDIA 7: What’s your superpower? ED BREAULT: I would say it’s applying the full spectrum of art and science that is required in marketing today. Not just left or right brained, but whole-brained strategy. Being human yet data-driven and really understanding numbers and (the right) metrics to make connections to business drivers. Add storytelling to that, so I can effectively communicate to my team, the CEO and CFO as well as my Board of Directors on those metrics, and connecting all that we are doing in marketing to the mission of the business. Then quickly shifting gears to the art and creative aspects of marketing that are required to engage an audience and tell great commercial stories that take complex concepts and craft them in a way that is interesting for people to pay attention to. I have to be the ultimate point of truth for the brand. M7: At Aprimo, how have marketing leadership roles and responsibilities evolved over the past few years? EB: There are so many dimensions needed by marketing leaders today. There are several elements driving this evolution, it’s the new experience battlefront that is emerging and also marketers themselves driving changes. From a market perspective, there is a clear appetite for disruption and consumers are wanting more experiential elements to their buying experience and interactions with brands. Take a few direct to consumer disruptions like trialing products in-home, purchasing directly from a brand or even wanting to ensure that the producer’s trade practices are in line with the buyer’s or even a regulator’s for that matter. Then we want to try before we buy, and we emotionally care about the supply chain of products. Do we TRUST this brand to do business with them? Behind all of this is a story that needs to be told, and it is those marketers who know their audience well and make connections that will win the commercial game. Back to the marketer, there are so many diverse backgrounds that marketers bring now and I’m really intrigued by those who have unconventional backgrounds because they contribute something uniquely new to the field. I love hearing about the marketer’s journey.

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Application Infrastructure

Legrand Acquires Data Center, Branch, and Edge Management Infrastructure Market Leader ZPE Systems, Inc.

Legrand | January 15, 2024

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PR Newswire | January 09, 2024

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Application Infrastructure

dxFeed Launches Market Data IaaS Project for Tradu, Assumes Infrastructure and Data Provision Responsibilities

PR Newswire | January 25, 2024

dxFeed, a global leader in data solutions and index management for the financial industry, announces the launch of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) project for Tradu, an advanced multi-asset trading platform catering to active traders and investors. In this venture, dxFeed manages the crucial aspects of infrastructure and data provision for Tradu. As an award-winning IaaS provider (the Best Infrastructure Provider by the Sell-Side Technology Awards 2023), dxFeed is poised to address all technical challenges related to market data delivery to hundreds of thousands of end users, allowing Tradu to focus on its core business objectives. Users worldwide can seamlessly connect to Tradu's platform, receiving authorization tokens for access to high-quality market data from the EU, US, Hong Kong, and Australian Exchanges. This approach eliminates the complexities and bottlenecks associated with building, maintaining, and scaling the infrastructure required for such extensive global data access. dxFeed's scalable low latency infrastructure ensures the delivery of consolidated and top-notch market data from diverse sources to the clients located in Asia, Americas and Europe. With the ability to rapidly reconfigure and accommodate the growing performance demands, dxFeed is equipped to serve hundreds of thousands of concurrent clients, with the potential to scale the solution even further in order to meet the constantly growing demand, at the same time providing a seamless and reliable experience. One of the highlights of this collaboration is the introduction of brand-new data feed services exclusively for Tradu's Stocks platform. This proprietary solution enhances Tradu's offerings and demonstrates dxFeed's commitment to delivering tailored and innovative solutions. Tradu also benefits from dxFeed's Stocks Radar—a comprehensive technical and fundamental market analysis solution. This Software as a Service (SaaS) seamlessly integrates with infrastructure, offering added value to traders and investors by simplifying complex analytical tasks. Moreover, Tradu leverages the advantages of dxFeed's composite feed (the winner at The Technical Analyst Awards). This accolade reinforces dxFeed's commitment to delivering excellence in data provision, further solidifying Tradu's position as a global leader in online foreign exchange. "When we were thinking of our new sophisticated multi-asset trading platform for the active trader and investors we met with the necessity of expanding instrument and user numbers. We realized we needed a highly competent, professional team to deploy the infrastructure, taking into account the peculiarities of our processes and services," said Brendan Callan, CEO of Tradu. "On the one hand, it allows our clients to receive quality consolidating data from multiple sources. On the other hand, as a leading global provider of online foreign exchange, we can dispose of dxFeed's geo-scalable infrastructure and perform rapid reconfiguration to meet growing performance demands to provide data to hundreds of thousands of our clients around the globe." "The range of businesses finding the Market Data IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model appealing continues to expand. This approach is gaining traction among various enterprises, from agile startups seeking rapid development to established, prominent brands acknowledging the strategic benefits of delegating market data infrastructure to specialized firms," said Oleg Solodukhin, CEO of dxFeed. By taking on the responsibilities of infrastructure and data provision, dxFeed empowers Tradu to focus on innovation and client satisfaction, setting the stage for a transformative journey in the dynamic world of financial trading. About dxFeed dxFeed is a leading market data and services provider and calculation agent for the capital markets industry. According to the WatersTechnology 2022 IMD & IRD awards honors, it's the "Most Innovative Market Data Project." dxFeed focuses primarily on delivering financial information and services to buy- and sell-side institutions in global markets, both traditional and crypto. That includes brokerages, prop traders, exchanges, individuals (traders, quants, and portfolio managers), and academia (educational institutions and researchers). Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Contact dxFeed: pr@dxfeed.com About Tradu Tradu is headquartered in London with offices around the world. The global Tradu team speaks more than two dozen languages and prides itself on its responsive and helpful client support. Stratos also operates FXCM, an FX and CFD platform founded in 1999. Stratos will continue to offer FXCM services alongside Tradu's multi-asset platform.

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Application Infrastructure

Legrand Acquires Data Center, Branch, and Edge Management Infrastructure Market Leader ZPE Systems, Inc.

Legrand | January 15, 2024

Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, including data center solutions, has announced its acquisition is complete of ZPE Systems, Inc., a Fremont, California-based company that offers critical solutions and services to deliver resilience and security for customers' business critical infrastructure. This includes serial console servers, sensors, and services routers that enable remote access and management of network IT equipment from data centers to the edge. The acquisition brings together ZPE's secure and open management infrastructure and services delivery platform for data center, branch, and edge environments to Legrand's comprehensive data center solutions of overhead busway, custom cabinets, intelligent PDUs, KVM switches, and advanced fiber solutions. ZPE Systems will become a business unit of Legrand's Data, Power, and Control (DPC) Division. Arnaldo Zimmermann will continue to serve as Vice President and General Manager of ZPE Systems, reporting to Brian DiBella, President of Legrand's DPC Division. "ZPE Systems leads the fast growing and profitable data center and edge management infrastructure market. This acquisition allows Legrand to enter a promising new segment whose strong growth is expected to accelerate further with the development of artificial intelligence and associated needs," said John Selldorff, President and CEO, Legrand, North and Central America. "Edge computing, AI and operational technology will require more complex data centers and edge infrastructure with intelligent IT needs to be built in disparate remote geographies. This makes remote management and operation a critical requirement. ZPE Systems is well positioned to address this need through high performance automation infrastructure solutions, which are complementary to our current data center offerings." "By joining forces with Legrand, ZPE Systems is advancing our leadership position in management infrastructure and propelling our technology and solutions to further support existing and new market opportunities," said Zimmermann. About Legrand and Legrand, North and Central America Legrand is the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures. Its comprehensive offering of solutions for commercial, industrial, and residential markets makes it a benchmark for customers worldwide. The Group harnesses technological and societal trends with lasting impacts on buildings with the purpose of improving lives by transforming the spaces where people live, work, and meet with electrical, digital infrastructures and connected solutions that are simple, innovative, and sustainable. Drawing on an approach that involves all teams and stakeholders, Legrand is pursuing its strategy of profitable and responsible growth driven by acquisitions and innovation, with a steady flow of new offerings—including products with enhanced value in use (faster expanding segments: data centers, connected offerings and energy efficiency programs). Legrand reported sales of €8.0 billion in 2022. The company is listed on Euronext Paris and is notably a component stock of the CAC 40 and CAC 40 ESG indexes.

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Application Infrastructure

Flip Electronics and Ampleon Enter into an Exclusive Partnership to Provide a Continued Authorized Source of Legacy Ampleon Components

PR Newswire | January 09, 2024

Flip Electronics and Ampleon have joined forces to extend the supply of Ampleon's LDMOS portfolio of high-performance RF transistors to customers worldwide. Flip Electronics, the fastest growing authorized distributor of electronic components, provides supply chain solutions for extended manufacturing of legacy OEM-authorized electronic components. Ampleon is a global leader in RF power devices. The Ampleon LDMOS portfolio offers solutions for industrial, scientific, medical, broadcast, navigation and safety radio applications, along with applications for 4G LTE and 5G NR infrastructures. "We chose to transfer Ampleon's LDMOS portfolio to Flip Electronics because they have been very successful in extending the lifecycle of semiconductors through inventory acquisition, wafer procurement and licensing IP from original manufacturers. Flip Electronics' ability to continue manufacturing our legacy parts was a paramount asset. We are very confident in Flip's commitment to ensuring our clients have long-term access to Ampleon legacy products," said Vincent Gerritsma, CEO of Ampleon. "Flip is always looking for new ways to make a difference for our suppliers and customers. This strategic agreement is a perfect example. Ampleon is an outstanding brand within the RF power industry. Adding a premier RF supplier to our expanding portfolio of who's who in the semiconductor industry broadens our ability to support the long-term needs of our mutual customers. Uninterrupted manufacturing of Ampleon's portfolio will enable us to support customers for the next 20+ years. Our customers can also be assured that the products will be certified and guaranteed by Flip Electronics and 100% authorized by the original manufacturer, Ampleon," said Jason Murphy, CEO of Flip Electronics. About Flip Electronics Based in Alpharetta, Georgia, since 2015, Flip Electronics is an authorized electronic components distributor and extended life manufacturer that works closely with the world's leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and contract manufacturers to create supply chain solutions for customers impacted by industry shortages and product obsolescence. Flip leverages its supplier relationships and supply chain expertise to help customers reliably, efficiently and cost-effectively source authorized components that extend their products' lifecycles. About Ampleon Created in 2015 and headquartered in the Netherlands, Ampleon is shaped by nearly 60 years of RF Power leadership. The company envisions to advance society through innovative RF solutions based on GaN and LDMOS technologies. Ampleon is dedicated to being the partner of choice by delivering high-quality, high-performance RF products with its world-class talent. The portfolio offers flexibility in scaling design and production for any volume and addresses applications for 4G LTE, 5G NR infrastructure, industrial, scientific, medical, broadcast, navigation and safety radio applications. Proven reliability, secure supply and excellent product consistency enable highest manufacturing yields for customers who benefit from Ampleon being a one-stop-partner for RF Power solutions.

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