Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Best Practices

Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Best Practices
As your organization scales, inevitably, so too will its infrastructure needs. From physical spaces to personnel, devices to applications, physical security to cybersecurity – all these resources will continue to grow to meet the changing needs of your business operations.

To manage your changing infrastructure throughout its entire lifecycle, your organization needs to implement a robust infrastructure lifecycle management program that’s designed to meet your particular business needs.

In particular, IT asset lifecycle management (ITALM) is becoming increasingly important for organizations across industries. As threats to organizations’ cybersecurity become more sophisticated and successful cyberattacks become more common, your business needs (now, more than ever) to implement an infrastructure lifecycle management strategy that emphasizes the security of your IT infrastructure.

In this article, we’ll explain why infrastructure management is important. Then we’ll outline steps your organization can take to design and implement a program and provide you with some of the most important infrastructure lifecycle management best practices for your business.

What Is the Purpose of Infrastructure Lifecycle Management?
No matter the size or industry of your organization, infrastructure lifecycle management is a critical process. The purpose of an infrastructure lifecycle management program is to protect your business and its infrastructure assets against risk.

Today, protecting your organization and its customer data from malicious actors means taking a more active approach to cybersecurity. Simply put, recovering from a cyber attack is more difficult and expensive than protecting yourself from one. If 2020 and 2021 have taught us anything about cybersecurity, it’s that cybercrime is on the rise and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

As risks to cybersecurity continue to grow in number and in harm, infrastructure lifecycle management and IT asset management are becoming almost unavoidable. In addition to protecting your organization from potential cyberattacks, infrastructure lifecycle management makes for a more efficient enterprise, delivers a better end user experience for consumers, and identifies where your organization needs to expand its infrastructure.

Some of the other benefits that come along with comprehensive infrastructure lifecycle management program include:

  • More accurate planning;
  • Centralized and cost-effective procurement;
  • Streamlined provisioning of technology to users;
  • More efficient maintenance;
  • Secure and timely disposal.

A robust infrastructure lifecycle management program helps your organization to keep track of all the assets running on (or attached to) your corporate networks. That allows you to catalog, identify and track these assets wherever they are, physically and digitally.

While this might seem simple enough, infrastructure lifecycle management and particularly ITALM has become more complex as the diversity of IT assets has increased. Today organizations and their IT teams are responsible for managing hardware, software, cloud infrastructure, SaaS, and connected device or IoT assets. As the number of IT assets under management has soared for most organizations in the past decade, a comprehensive and holistic approach to infrastructure lifecycle management has never been more important.

Generally speaking, there are four major stages of asset lifecycle management. Your organization’s infrastructure lifecycle management program should include specific policies and processes for each of the following steps:

  • Planning. This is arguably the most important step for businesses and should be conducted prior to purchasing any assets. During this stage, you’ll need to identify what asset types are required and in what number; compile and verify the requirements for each asset; and evaluate those assets to make sure they meet your service needs.
  • Acquisition and procurement. Use this stage to identify areas for purchase consolidation with the most cost-effective vendors, negotiate warranties and bulk purchases of SaaS and cloud infrastructure assets. This is where lack of insights into actual asset usage can potentially result in overpaying for assets that aren’t really necessary. For this reason, timely and accurate asset data is crucial for effective acquisition and procurement.
  • Maintenance, upgrades and repair. All assets eventually require maintenance, upgrades and repairs. A holistic approach to infrastructure lifecycle management means tracking these needs and consolidating them into a single platform across all asset types.
  • Disposal. An outdated or broken asset needs to be disposed of properly, especially if it contains sensitive information. For hardware, assets that are older than a few years are often obsolete, and assets that fall out of warranty are typically no longer worth maintaining. Disposal of cloud infrastructure assets is also critical because data stored in the cloud can stay there forever.

Now that we’ve outlined the purpose and basic stages of infrastructure lifecycle management, it’s time to look at the steps your organization can take to implement it.



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Application Infrastructure

How IaaS Services Help Drive Digital Transformation of Businesses

Article | August 8, 2022

Without IaaS services, businesses face high upfront costs and slower time-to-market, hindering its growth. Embracing IaaS services with compliance to regulatory measures fosters digital transformation. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Regulatory Requirements 2.1 Adhering to Regulations Before Migration 2.2. Confirming to Standards During Migration 2.3. Complying with Requirements After Migration 3. Role of IaaS in Digital Transformation 3.1. Overview of Digital Transformation in Business 3.2. Benefits of IaaS for Digital Transformation Initiation 4. Key IaaS Services for Digital Transformation 4.1. Compute Services 4.2. Storage Services 4.3. Networking Services 4.4. Security Services 5. Use Cases of IaaS in Digital Transformation 5.1. Cloud Migration 5.2. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 5.3. Big Data Analytics 5.4. Internet of Things 6. Leading Providers of IaaS 6.1. Deft 6.2. Virtuozzo 6.3. DigitalOcean 6.4. Vultr 6.5. Linode 7. Conclusion 1. Introduction The article highlights infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) services, which are crucial in driving digital transformation for businesses. By delivering scalable computing resources, reducing IT infrastructure costs, and enabling a greater focus on core competencies, IaaS is helping businesses innovate faster and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Further, the article elaborates on the three significant regulations to be considered for regulatory requirements. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, IaaS has emerged as a key enabler for organizations looking to achieve their goals. IaaS allows businesses to quickly and easily scale their computing resources up or down while reducing their IT infrastructure costs. This, in turn, enables businesses to focus on their core competencies, innovate faster, and stay competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape. In this article, we will explore the ways in which IaaS is driving digital transformation, as well as the various services offered by IaaS providers that are helping businesses achieve their objectives and the use cases that follow. 2. Regulatory Requirements During cloud adoption and migration to IaaS, organizations must comply with regulatory requirements before, during, and after migration to the cloud. 2.1 Adhering to Regulations Before Migration Organizations must identify the relevant regulations that apply to their industry and geographic location. This includes: 2.1.1. Data Protection Laws These laws define how personal and sensitive data should be handled and protected. Organizations must comply with these laws when collecting, storing, processing, and sharing private and sensitive data. Examples include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. 2.1.2. Industry-Specific Regulations These regulations apply to specific industries like healthcare, finance, and government. In addition, these regulations may define particular security and data protection requirements that organizations must comply with. Examples are the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the healthcare industry and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) in the finance industry. 2.1.3. International Laws These laws apply to organizations operating in multiple countries or transferring data across international borders. These laws may vary based on the countries involved and define specific data protection and privacy requirements. Examples include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) in the Asia-Pacific region. 2.2. Confirming Standards During Migration Organizations must ensure that they meet regulatory requirements while transferring data and applications to the cloud. This involves: 2.2.1. Access Management This refers to controlling who can access data and applications in the cloud. Organizations must ensure only authorizedpersonnel can access sensitive data and specific applications during migration. This can be achieved by implementing access controls such as multi-factor authentication and role-based access control. 2.2.2. Data Encryption This refers to converting data into code to prevent unauthorized access. During migration, organizations must ensure that sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. This can be achieved by using encryption technologies, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). 2.2.3. Data Residency This refers to the legal requirements around where data can be stored and processed. Organizations must comply with these requirements during migration to avoid potential legal and regulatory consequences. This may involve ensuring data is stored and processed within specific geographic locations or complies with industry-specific regulations. 2.3. Complying with Requirements After Migration Organizations must continue to meet regulatory requirements through ongoing monitoring and reporting. This includes: 2.3.1. Regular Review and Updation of Security Measures This refers to the ongoing process of reviewing and improving the security measures that are in place to protect data and assets from potential threats. This includes identifying vulnerabilities, updating software and hardware, implementing new security policies and procedures, and training employees on best practices. 2.3.2. Data Protection This refers to the measures taken to safeguard sensitive and confidential data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Proper data protection includes using encryption, access controls, firewalls, and other security technologies to prevent unauthorized access to the data center and implementing processes and procedures for securely handling and disposing of data. 2.3.3. Audit and Reporting This refers to businesses' legal and regulatory requirements to regularly audit and report on their security practices and data protection measures. This includes complying with industry-specific standards and regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and conducting internal and external audits to ensure compliance with these standards and regulations. 3. Role of IaaS in Digital Transformation The role of IaaS in businesses is to configure, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure environments or applications through cross-technology administration (virtual networks, operating systems, databases), scripting, monitoring automation execution, and managing incidents with a focus on service restoration. 3.1. Overview of Digital Transformation in Business IaaS provides a flexible, scalable, and customizable infrastructure that can easily be managed and optimized, allowing organizations to focus on their core business objectives and maximize their productivity and efficiency. IaaS provides businesses access to virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking, which can be provisioned and managed through a web-based interface or API. This allows businesses to quickly deploy and scale their infrastructure without worrying about the underlying hardware and infrastructure. IaaS enables businesses to focus more on their core competencies. By outsourcing IT infrastructure management to IaaS providers, businesses can focus more on their core business functions and leave control of their IT systems to the experts. In addition, by leveraging the cloud, businesses can reduce their capital investment in buying, deploying, and managing physical servers and storage devices. A report found that companies that have embraced digital transformation are 23 times more likely to acquire new customers, 6 times more likely to retain existing customers, and 19 times more likely to be profitable. (Source: McKinsey & Company) According to a study, the top benefits of digital transformation for businesses include increased efficiency (43%), better customer satisfaction (41%), and increased profitability (36%). (Source: Accenture) 3.2. Benefits of IaaS for Digital Transformation Initiation Apart from the benefits like improved agility, robust security, quick scalability, better flexibility, and cost savings, IaaS has the following benefits: Predictable Costs: IaaS providers typically offer transparent pricing models, which enable businesses to predict their IT costs more accurately and avoid unexpected expenses. Enhanced Compliance: IaaS providers often have compliance certifications, such as SOC 2, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, which can help businesses meet their regulatory compliance requirements more efficiently. Geographic Flexibility: IaaS enables businesses to deploy their IT infrastructure across different geographic regions, allowing the customer experience to soar in other markets with low latency and high availability. Disaster Recovery: IaaS providers typically have built-in disaster recovery capabilities, allowing businesses to quickly recover from data loss or infrastructure failures without significant downtime or data loss. Increased Innovation: By outsourcing their infrastructure management to IaaS providers, businesses can focus on innovation and new product development rather than infrastructure maintenance and management. 4. Key IaaS Services for Digital Transformation 4.1. Compute Services Compute services provide the processing power and resources needed to run applications in the cloud. This includes virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing. Compute services are essential for digital transformation, allowing organizations to scale their applications and infrastructure to meet changing demands. According to a report, the global cloud computing market size is expected to grow from USD 371.4 billion in 2020 to USD 832.1 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 17.5% during the forecast period (2020-25). The growth of the market is driven by factors such as the increasing adoption of multi-cloud strategies and the growing demand for scalable and cost-effective computing. (Source: MarketsandMarkets) 4.2. Storage Services Storage services provide the capacity and durability needed to store and manage data in the cloud. This includes object storage, block storage, and file storage. Solutions such as cloud storage services are essential for digital transformation, as they allow organizations to store and manage large amounts of data and make it easily accessible to users. According to a report, the global data sphere is expected to grow from 33 zettabytes (ZB) in 2018 to 175 ZB by 2025, at a CAGR of 61%. The growth of the data sphere is driven by factors such as the increasing use of digital technologies and the growing amount of data generated by connected devices. (Source: IDC) 4.3. Networking Services Networking services provide the connectivity and performance needed to access and use cloud resources. This includes virtual networks, load balancers, and content delivery networks. Networking services are essential for digital transformation, allowing organizations to connect their applications and infrastructure across different regions and providers. According to a research report, the global multi-cloud networking market will grow from USD 2.7 billion in 2022 to USD 7.6 billion by 2027 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.5% during the forecast period (2022-27). (Source: MarketsandMarkets) 4.4. Security Services Cloud security services provide the protection and compliance needed to secure cloud resources and data. This includes identity and access management (IAM), encryption, and threat detection and response. Security services are essential for digital transformation, as they allow organizations to secure their applications and data from cyber threats and comply with regulatory requirements. The Global Cloud Access Security Broker Market size is expected to reach $18 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 17.8% CAGR during the forecast period (2022-28). (Source: ReportLinker ) 5. Use Cases of IaaS in Digital Transformation 5.1. Cloud Migration Cloud Migration: One of the primary use cases for IaaS is cloud migration, where organizations move their existing applications and infrastructure to the cloud platform. This can help organizations reduce their IT costs, improve scalability, and increase flexibility. IaaS providers offer tools and cloud services to make the migration process easier and more efficient. For example, Accenture helped global manufacturing companies migrate its IT infrastructure to the Microsoft Azure IaaS platform. One of the migrations involved moving more than 1,200 virtual machines and 150 TB of data to the cloud. As a result, the company was able to reduce its IT infrastructure costs by 40% and improve scalability and flexibility. (Source: Accenture) 5.2. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) IaaS provides the infrastructure needed to support DevOps and CI/CD processes, allowing organizations to deliver software faster and more reliably. IaaS providers offer tools and services to automate deployment, testing, and monitoring, as well as to manage infrastructure as code. For example, GE Digital used the Amazon Web Services (AWS) IaaS platform to implement DevOps and CI/CD processes for its Predix Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform. As a result, GE Digital reduced its mean acknowledgment time from one day to less than one hour and its mean remediation time from three days to 80 minutes. It moved from zero to a 100 percent real-time visibility. (Source: Amazon) 5.3. Big Data Analytics IaaS provides the processing power and storage needed to support big data analytics, allowing organizations to extract insights from large amounts of data. IaaS providers offer tools and services to manage and process data, as well as to enable real-time analytics and machine learning. For example, Netflix uses the AWS IaaS platform to support its big data analytics needs. Netflix processes over one billion events daily using AWS services such as Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, and Amazon EMR. As a result, Netflix is able to rapidly scale, operate securely, and meet capacity needs worldwide thanks to AWS's provision of computation, storage, and infrastructure. (Source: Amazon) 5.4. The Internet of Things IaaS provides the infrastructure needed to support IoT devices and applications, allowing organizations to collect and analyze data from connected devices. IaaS providers offer tools and cloud services to manage and secure IoT devices, as well as enable real-time data processing and analysis. For example, Siemens uses the Microsoft Azure IaaS platform to support its IoT initiatives. Siemens uses Azure services such as Azure IoT Hub, Azure Stream Analytics, and Azure Cosmos DB to collect and process data from over one million IoT devices. This allows Siemens to optimize its industrial processes and improve efficiency and productivity. (Source: Siemens) 6. Leading Providers of IaaS 6.1.Deft Deft is a trusted provider of managed IT services for SMBs and the Fortune 500. Deft's cloud services offer flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions for organizations looking to move their IT infrastructure to the cloud. Customers can choose from a range of cloud options, including public, private, and hybrid clouds, all hosted in Deft's secure data centers worldwide. Deft's cloud experts can also help customers design and implement custom solutions that meet their business requirements. 6.2. Virtuozzo Virtuozzo is a leading provider of hyperconverged cloud software and services for cloud service providers (CSPs). Virtuozzo makes cloud computing easy, accessible, and affordable for all. The company's offerings include infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) with its production-ready OpenStack cloud platform, a key component of its IaaS offerings. The platform is designed to reduce costs and improve margins for CSPs by providing them with a highly efficient and scalable cloud infrastructure. 6.3. DigitalOcean DigitalOcean is a cloud computing provider offering a range of solutions to simplify infrastructure management for developers and businesses. One of the key benefits of working with DigitalOcean is its simplicity. The company's solutions are designed to be easy to use and accessible to developers of all skill levels, with an intuitive user interface and straightforward pricing plans. This allows businesses to focus on building innovative applications rather than spending time managing their infrastructure. 6.4. Vultr Vultr is a leading provider of cloud computing solutions designed to simplify infrastructure deployment for developers and businesses. The company's infrastructure is built on the latest technology, with state-of-the-art data centers and advanced networking capabilities. Vultr's cloud platform is designed to provide frictionless provisioning of public cloud, storage, and single-tenant bare metal services. This allows businesses to quickly and easily deploy infrastructure wherever needed, with fast network speeds and low latency. 6.5. Linode Linode is a leading cloud computing solution provider that makes it easy, accessible, and affordable for individuals and businesses of all sizes to innovate and grow. Linode's cloud infrastructure is open-source, making it highly flexible and adaptable. They are designed to be simple and easy to use. The company offers various services, including virtual private servers (VPS), object storage, load balancing, managed Kubernetes, and more. In addition, these solutions are fully scalable and can be customized to meet each customer's specific needs. 7. Conclusion IaaS services are expected to continue to play a critical role in driving the digital transformation of businesses. IaaS services are expected to see significant growth in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. With the rise of big data and the increasing importance of data-driven decision-making, IaaS providers are expected to be critical in supporting these initiatives, providing the scalable computing power required to support advanced analytics and machine learning workloads. IaaS services are also expected to support the increasing demand for edge computing. With the proliferation of IoT devices and the rise of real-time applications, IaaS providers are expected to provide the necessary infrastructure and tools to support these initiatives, enabling organizations to process data and perform analysis. As a result, many organizations have turned to IaaS to support their digital transformation efforts, leveraging cloud computing services to implement new technologies and services that enable them to serve customers better, improve operational efficiency, and drive revenue growth. The future of IaaS services looks promising and will continue to be a critical enabler of digital transformation for businesses of all sizes and industries.

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Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, Application Infrastructure

Ensuring Compliance in IaaS: Addressing Regulatory Requirements in Cloud

Article | July 19, 2023

Stay ahead of the curve and navigate the complex landscape of regulatory obligations to safeguard data in cloud. Explores the challenges of maintaining compliance and strategies for risk mitigation. Contents 1. Introduction 2. 3 Essential Regulatory Requirements 2.1 Before migration 2.2. During migration 2.3. After migration 3. Challenges in Ensuring Compliance in Infrastructure as a Service in Cloud Computing 3.1. Shared Responsibility Model 3.2. Data Breach 3.3. Access Mismanagement 3.4. Audit and Monitoring Challenges 4. Strategies for Addressing Compliance Challenges in IaaS 4.1. Risk Management and Assessment 4.2. Encryption and Collaboration with Cloud Service Providers 4.3. Contractual Agreements 4.4. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting 5. Conclusion 1. Introduction Ensuring Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) compliance in security is crucial for organizations to meet regulatory requirements and avoid potential legal and financial consequences. However, several challenges must be addressed before and after migration to the cloud. This article provides an overview of the regulatory requirements in cloud computing, explores the challenges faced in ensuring compliance in IaaS, a cloud implementation service and provides strategies for addressing these challenges to ensure a successful cloud migration. 2. 3 Essential Regulatory Requirements When adopting cloud infrastructure as a service, organizations must comply with regulatory requirements before, during, and after migration to the cloud. This ensures avoiding the challenges, firms may face later and suggest solutions if they do so. 2.1 Before migration: Organizations must identify the relevant regulations that apply to their industry and geographic location. This includes: Data Protection Laws, Industry-Specific Regulations, and International Laws. 2.2. During migration: Organizations must ensure that they meet regulatory requirements while transferring data and applications to the cloud. This involves: Ensuring proper access management, data encryption, and data residency requirements. 2.3. After migration: Organizations must continue to meet regulatory requirements through ongoing monitoring and reporting. This includes: Regularly reviewing and updating security measures, ensuring proper data protection, and complying with audit and reporting requirements. 3. Challenges in Ensuring Compliance in Infrastructureas a Service in Cloud Computing 3.1. Shared Responsibility Model The lack of control over the infrastructure in IaaS cloud computing is caused by the shared responsibility model of IaaS, where the cloud service provider is responsible for the IaaS security while the customer is responsible for securing the data and applications they store and run in the cloud. According to a survey, 22.8% of respondents cited the lack of control over infrastructure as a top concern for cloud security. (Source: Cloud Security Alliance) 3.2. Data Breach Data breaches have serious consequences for businesses, including legal and financial penalties, damage to their reputation, and the loss of customer trust. The location of data and the regulations governing its storage and processing create challenges for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions. The global average total cost of a data breach increased by USD 0.11 million to USD 4.35 million in 2022, the highest it's been in the history of this report. The increase from USD 4.24 million in the 2021 report to USD 4.35 million in the 2022 report represents a 2.6% increase. (Source: IBM) 3.3. Access Mismanagement Insider threats, where authorized users abuse their access privileges, can be a significant challenge for access management in IaaS. This includes the intentional or accidental misuse of credentials or non-protected infrastructure and the theft or loss of devices containing sensitive data. The 2020 data breach investigations report found that over 80% of data breaches were caused by compromised credentials or human error, highlighting the importance of effective access management. (Source: Verizon) 3.4. Audit and Monitoring Challenges Large volumes of alerts overwhelm security teams, leading to fatigue and missed alerts, which result in non-compliance or security incidents going unnoticed. Limited resources may also make it challenging to effectively monitor and audit infrastructure as a service cloud environment, including the implementation and maintenance of monitoring tools. 4. Strategies for Addressing Compliance Challenges in IaaS 4.1. Risk Management and Assessment Risk Assessment and Management includes conducting a risk assessment, including assessing risks related to data security, access controls, and regulatory compliance. It also involves implementing risk mitigation measures to address identified risks, like additional security measures or access controls such as encryption or multi-factor authentication. 4.2. Encryption and Collaboration with Cloud Service Providers Encryption can be implemented at the application, database, or file system level, depending on the specific needs of the business. In addition, businesses should establish clear service level agreements with their cloud service provider related to data protection. This includes requirements for data security, access controls, and backup and recovery processes. 4.3. Contractual Agreements The agreement should also establish audit and compliance requirements, including regular assessments of access management controls and policies. Using contractual agreements, organizations help ensure that they are clearly defined and that the cloud service provider is held accountable for implementing effective access management controls and policies. 4.4. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring and Reporting involves setting up automated monitoring and reporting mechanisms that track compliance with relevant regulations and standards and generate reports. They should also leverage technologies such as intrusion detection and prevention systems, security information and event management (SIEM) tools, and log analysis tools to collect, analyze, and report on security events in real time. 5. Conclusion In accordance with the increasing prevalence of data breaches and the growing complexity of regulatory requirements, maintaining a secure and compliant cloud environment will be crucial for businesses to build trust with customers and avoid legal and financial risks. Addressing these requirements, the cloud helps companies maintain data privacy, avoid legal risks, and build customer trust. Organizations create a secure and compliant cloud environment that meets their needs by overcoming challenges and implementing best practices, working closely with cloud service providers. Ultimately, by prioritizing compliance and investing in the necessary resources and expertise, businesses can navigate these challenges and unlock the full potential of the cloud with confidence.

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Application Infrastructure, IT Systems Management

Upcoming Events for Driving Business Success in the HCI Industry

Article | May 8, 2023

Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) is a critical aspect of the ever-evolving infrastructure industry, helping ensure efficient and secure operation. It involves the continuous surveillance, analysis, and management of the digitalization in manufacturing, performance, and efficiency. To stay ahead of the latest advancements in this industry, executives and managers must attend the upcoming conferences scheduled for 2023. These events provide a crucial platform for professionals to gain in-depth insights into emerging trends, innovative technologies, and best practices. Basics and Operation of Hyperconverged Infrastructure November 21, 2023 | Online Attend the training session on hyper convergent infrastructure led by Dr. Markus Ermes. This session will address hyper-convergent infrastructure questions, including appliances or software, central data centers or smaller locations, and established manufacturers or challengers. During the training session, this Hyperconverged Infrastructure conference allows participants to gain insights into software-defined storage, the critical properties of storage technologies, changes in backup and recovery scenarios, and considerations for data center network planning. This knowledge will enable participants to evaluate the merits and drawbacks of HCI in a nuanced and informed manner. The training session will accommodate participants with varying skill levels, whether they are beginners or have advanced expertise. Attending this training session will equip participants with the knowledge to navigate hyper-convergent infrastructures' complexities effectively. TechMentor Redmond 2023 July 17-21, 2023 | Washington (US) TechMentor Redmond 2023 is an anticipated technology conference that brings together IT professionals, industry experts, and thought leaders for an immersive learning experience. Set in Redmond, Washington, the heart of the tech industry, it will offer a unique opportunity for participants to engage with leading experts from Microsoft and other prominent technology companies. These sessions will cover a wide range of topics, including cloud computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, DevOps, data analytics, IoT, and more. With a focus on practical implementation and real-world scenarios, TechMentor Redmond will equip attendees with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the challenges of today's IT landscape. One of the highlights, is the opportunity to learn directly from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs. Advancing Data Center Construction: West 2023 July 17-19, 2023 | Washington (US) West 2023: Advancing Data Center Construction brings together Washington-to-Arizona clients, contractors, and designers to discuss industry issues. This event will provide a rare opportunity to collaborate and solve project delivery issues caused by tougher restrictions, difficult geographical conditions, supply chain interruption, and workforce shortages, offering hyper converged infrastructure solutions. The event will have sessions from keynote speakers David McCall, Michelle Stuart, Chad Labucki, and Micah Piippo. Hyperconverged Infrastructure events including this event, allow attendees to learn from over 25 hours of world-class content, 12+ hours of networking, and industry leaders like Google, Yondr, Clayco, Microsoft, and McKinstry. Participants will learn to overcome supply chain interruption, streamline approval processes, and enhance efficiency through case studies of breakthrough technology and energy-efficient, sustainable data centers. CIO Cloud Summit July 17, 2023 | Online One of the leading Hyperconverged Infrastructure events, this distinguished event caters to CIOs and IT executives strategically evaluating cloud computing solutions for their organizations. With a dedicated focus on crucial cloud computing issues, including data governance, security, private versus public cloud, and data availability, the summit offers a platform for in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing. Attendees can anticipate a curated agenda with interactive sessions, analyst-led presentations, and an exclusive environment with an average attendance of 50 C-level executives because CDM Media Summits is renowned for its ability to bring together industry leaders, analysts, and solution providers. The event is hosts renowned speakers as Chris Mattmann, Steve Rubinow, Jason Spencer, and Robert DeVito. It is an exceptional opportunity for networking, debating, and gaining insights from the latest industry research. Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference December 5 – 7, 2023 | Las Vegas (Nevada) The Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations, & Cloud Strategies Conference 2023 brings together global technology leaders to explore the latest trends, gain objective insights, and exchange best practices. The conference will offer attendees access to nine tracks and seven spotlight tracks, each covering specific focus areas to help I&O leaders create effective pathways for the future while networking with peers. Topics will include innovation, cloud value acceleration, engineering platforms, enhancing operations, evolving at the edge, embedding security, developing skills, transforming leadership and the organization, optimizing costs & value, and more. The event features guest speakers such as Daniel Betts, Arun Chandrasekaran, Hassan Ennaciri, among others, Gartner Magic Quadrant sessions, solution provider sessions, workshops, and facilitated sessions, providing attendees with valuable inspiration, insights, and collaborative problem-solving opportunities. stackconf 2023 September 13-14, 2023 |Berlin (Germany) Being one of the best HCI events, stackconf is a prominent open-source infrastructure event focused on various aspects of CI/CD, containers, hybrid environments, and cloud solutions. It will address the challenges faced by businesses in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, where virtual infrastructures and multi-channel platforms have become the norm. The conference aims to bridge the gap between development, testing, and operations, offering insights and solutions from multiple perspectives. Attendees will be able to stay informed about current and future trends, think creatively, and explore innovative approaches to optimize their IT infrastructure. With a diverse international audience of IT infrastructure specialists, CTOs, CIOs, SREs, system administrators, IT architects, and DevOps engineers, the event stands out for its speaker talks, which offer practical insights instead of vendor pitches, and its emphasis on fostering meaningful discussions and collaboration among participants. DatacenterDynamics (DCD) Connect | London October 2-3, 2023 | London (United Kingdom) DCD Connect | London is a highly anticipated event that brings together leaders and professionals from the data center and cloud infrastructure communities. The event will feature an exhibition floor where leading technology vendors and service providers showcase their latest products, services, and solutions. This will allow attendees to explore and evaluate the latest advancements in hardware, software, infrastructure, cooling systems, power management, and other critical aspects of data center operations. Beyond the knowledge-sharing opportunities, it will promote thought-provoking talks by Dame Dawn Childs, Val Walsh, Michael Winterson among others. Attendees will earn continuing professional development (CPD) credits by attending educational sessions and workshops, enhancing their industry credentials, and demonstrating a commitment to ongoing learning. The event will also provide a platform for career growth, with potential job openings and networking connections within the data center and cloud infrastructure sectors. Key Takeaway The conferences bring together industry experts, IT professionals, engineers, and decision-makers in the network industry. Attendees can expect a comprehensive program consisting of keynote presentations, panel discussions, case studies, and interactive workshops. The listed events will cover a wide range of topics, including the latest trends in data center design, energy efficiency, modular construction, and emerging technologies. Participating in these also offer ample networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with peers, share experiences, and establish valuable business connections. Leaders can stay at the forefront of the evolving data center landscape and gain a competitive edge in their respective organizations.

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Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, IT Systems Management

How Managed Service Providers Drive Management in HCI

Article | September 14, 2023

Driving excellence in HCI: Unveil the crucial role of managed service providers in deploying and managing Hyper-Converged Infrastructure for optimal performance and efficiency for smooth functioning. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Role of MSPs in Deployment of HCI 3. Role of MSPs in HCI’s Management 4. Key Areas Where MSPs Help Drive Efficient HCI 4.1. Expert Deployment and Configuration 4.2. Proactive Monitoring and Management 4.3. Performance Optimization 4.4. Security and Compliance 4.5. Patch Management and Upgrades 4.6. Scalability and Flexibility 4.7. Cost Optimization 4.8. 24/7 Support and Incident Management 5. Takeaway 1. Introduction Fundamentally, a hyper-converged infrastructure comprises virtual computing, virtual hyperconverged network, and virtual SAB. However, deploying this infrastructure is a complex procedure that requires skill and attention. A managed service provider (MSP) can assist a business in implementing hyper-converged infrastructure. These are service providers that specialize in managing and maintaining hyper-converged infrastructure environments on behalf of businesses. They offer proactive monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting services to ensure optimal performance & availability and management excellence in HCI. 2. Role of MSPs in Deployment of HCI Managed service providers play a crucial role in the successful deployment of Hyperconverged Infrastructure. With their expertise and experience, MSPs assist businesses in planning and designing the optimal HCI solution tailored to their needs. They manage the integration of hardware and software components, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration into the existing IT infrastructure. MSPs handle data migration and transition, minimizing downtime and data loss. They also optimize performance by fine-tuning configurations and resource allocations to achieve optimal HCI operation. MSPs prioritize security and compliance, implementing robust measures to protect sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance. They provide ongoing management and support, monitoring system health, performing maintenance, and addressing issues promptly. MSPs enable scalability and future-proofing, helping businesses scale their HCI environment as needed and ensuring flexibility for future technology advancements and changes in business requirements. Broadly, MSPs bring their specialized knowledge and services to navigate the complexities of HCI deployment, enabling businesses to maximize the benefits of this transformative HCI technology. 3. Role of MSPs in HCI’s Management Managed service providers play a crucial role in the effective management of HCI. MSPs offer a range of services to ensure the optimal performance and security of HCI environments. They proactively monitor and maintain the HCI infrastructure, identifying and addressing issues before they impact operations. MSPs specialize in performance optimization, fine-tuning configurations, and implementing load balancing techniques to maximize efficiency. They prioritize security and compliance by implementing robust measures and assisting with data backup and disaster recovery strategies. MSPs also assist with capacity planning and scalability, ensuring resources are efficiently allocated and businesses can adapt to changing demands. They provide 24/7 support, troubleshooting services, and comprehensive reporting and analytics for HCI management excellence. Additionally, MSPs handle vendor management, simplifying interactions with hardware and software providers. Overall, MSPs enable businesses to effectively manage their HCI environments, ensuring smooth operations, optimal performance, and security. 4. Key Areas Where MSPs Help Drive Efficient HCI Managed Service Providersplay a crucial role in driving deployment and management excellence in Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) environments. HCI combines storage, compute, and networking into a single, software-defined platform, simplifying data center operations. Here's how MSPs contribute to HCI excellence: 1. Expert Deployment and Configuration MSPs possess deep expertise in HCI deployments. They understand the complexities of hardware, software, and networking integration required for optimal HCI implementation. MSPs ensure proper configuration, capacity planning, and performance tuning to maximize HCI efficiency and meet specific business needs. 2. Proactive Monitoring and Management MSPs provide proactive monitoring and management services, continuously monitoring the HCI environment to detect issues and resolve them before they impact performance or availability. They leverage advanced monitoring tools and technologies to monitor resource utilization, network connectivity, and storage performance, ensuring optimal HCI operation. 3. Performance Optimization MSPs specialize in fine-tuning HCI performance. They analyze workloads, assess resource requirements, and optimize configurations to ensure optimal performance and scalability. Through proactive capacity planning and performance optimization techniques, MSPs help businesses extract the maximum value from their HCI investment. 4. Security and Compliance MSPs prioritize security and compliance in HCI environments. They implement robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and threat detection systems, to protect critical data and ensure compliance with industry regulations. MSPs also assist businesses in implementing data backup and disaster recovery strategies to safeguard against potential data loss or system failures. 5. Patch Management and Upgrades MSPs handle patch management and upgrades in HCI environments. They ensure that the HCI platform stays up to date with the latest security patches and software updates, minimizing vulnerabilities and ensuring hyperconverged system stability. MSPs coordinate and execute seamless upgrades, minimizing disruptions and maintaining optimal HCI performance. 6. Scalability and Flexibility MSPs help businesses scale and adapt their HCI environments to meet changing demands. They assess growth requirements, optimize resource allocation, and implement expansion strategies to accommodate evolving business needs. MSPs enable businesses to scale their HCI infrastructure seamlessly without compromising performance or availability. 7. Cost Optimization MSPs assist in optimizing costs associated with HCI deployments. They evaluate resource utilization, identify inefficiencies, and implement cost-saving measures, such as workload consolidation and resource allocation optimization. MSPs help businesses achieve maximum return on investment by aligning HCI infrastructure with specific business objectives. 8. 24/7 Support and Incident Management MSPs offer round-the-clock support and incident management for HCI environments. They provide timely resolution of issues, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operation. MSPs also offer help desk services, ticket management, and proactive troubleshooting to address any challenges that arise in the HCI environment. 5. Takeaway The future of managed service providers is promising and dynamic. MSPs will continue to enhance their specialized expertise in HCI, offering comprehensive support for businesses' HCI environments. They will expand their services to include end-to-end managed hyperconverged solutions, covering deployment, ongoing management, performance optimization, and security. Automation and orchestration will play a significant role as MSPs leverage these technologies to streamline operations and improve efficiency. MSPs will also focus on strengthening security and compliance measures, integrating HCI with cloud services, and continuously innovating to stay ahead in the HCI landscape. Broadly, MSPs will be vital partners for businesses seeking to maximize the benefits of HCI while ensuring smooth operations and staying competitive in the digital era. MSPs in HCI offer specialized expertise, managed services, automation, AI-driven analytics, enhanced security and compliance, integration with hyper converged cloud services, and continuous innovation. Their services will cover the entire lifecycle of HCI, from deployment to ongoing management and optimization. MSPs will leverage automation and AI technologies to streamline operations, enhance security, and provide proactive monitoring and maintenance. They will assist businesses in integrating HCI with cloud services, ensuring scalability and flexibility. MSPs will continuously innovate to adapt to emerging technologies and industry trends, supporting businesses in harnessing the full potential of HCI and achieving their digital transformation goals.

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Application Infrastructure

dxFeed Launches Market Data IaaS Project for Tradu, Assumes Infrastructure and Data Provision Responsibilities

PR Newswire | January 25, 2024

dxFeed, a global leader in data solutions and index management for the financial industry, announces the launch of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) project for Tradu, an advanced multi-asset trading platform catering to active traders and investors. In this venture, dxFeed manages the crucial aspects of infrastructure and data provision for Tradu. As an award-winning IaaS provider (the Best Infrastructure Provider by the Sell-Side Technology Awards 2023), dxFeed is poised to address all technical challenges related to market data delivery to hundreds of thousands of end users, allowing Tradu to focus on its core business objectives. Users worldwide can seamlessly connect to Tradu's platform, receiving authorization tokens for access to high-quality market data from the EU, US, Hong Kong, and Australian Exchanges. This approach eliminates the complexities and bottlenecks associated with building, maintaining, and scaling the infrastructure required for such extensive global data access. dxFeed's scalable low latency infrastructure ensures the delivery of consolidated and top-notch market data from diverse sources to the clients located in Asia, Americas and Europe. With the ability to rapidly reconfigure and accommodate the growing performance demands, dxFeed is equipped to serve hundreds of thousands of concurrent clients, with the potential to scale the solution even further in order to meet the constantly growing demand, at the same time providing a seamless and reliable experience. One of the highlights of this collaboration is the introduction of brand-new data feed services exclusively for Tradu's Stocks platform. This proprietary solution enhances Tradu's offerings and demonstrates dxFeed's commitment to delivering tailored and innovative solutions. Tradu also benefits from dxFeed's Stocks Radar—a comprehensive technical and fundamental market analysis solution. This Software as a Service (SaaS) seamlessly integrates with infrastructure, offering added value to traders and investors by simplifying complex analytical tasks. Moreover, Tradu leverages the advantages of dxFeed's composite feed (the winner at The Technical Analyst Awards). This accolade reinforces dxFeed's commitment to delivering excellence in data provision, further solidifying Tradu's position as a global leader in online foreign exchange. "When we were thinking of our new sophisticated multi-asset trading platform for the active trader and investors we met with the necessity of expanding instrument and user numbers. We realized we needed a highly competent, professional team to deploy the infrastructure, taking into account the peculiarities of our processes and services," said Brendan Callan, CEO of Tradu. "On the one hand, it allows our clients to receive quality consolidating data from multiple sources. On the other hand, as a leading global provider of online foreign exchange, we can dispose of dxFeed's geo-scalable infrastructure and perform rapid reconfiguration to meet growing performance demands to provide data to hundreds of thousands of our clients around the globe." "The range of businesses finding the Market Data IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model appealing continues to expand. This approach is gaining traction among various enterprises, from agile startups seeking rapid development to established, prominent brands acknowledging the strategic benefits of delegating market data infrastructure to specialized firms," said Oleg Solodukhin, CEO of dxFeed. By taking on the responsibilities of infrastructure and data provision, dxFeed empowers Tradu to focus on innovation and client satisfaction, setting the stage for a transformative journey in the dynamic world of financial trading. About dxFeed dxFeed is a leading market data and services provider and calculation agent for the capital markets industry. According to the WatersTechnology 2022 IMD & IRD awards honors, it's the "Most Innovative Market Data Project." dxFeed focuses primarily on delivering financial information and services to buy- and sell-side institutions in global markets, both traditional and crypto. That includes brokerages, prop traders, exchanges, individuals (traders, quants, and portfolio managers), and academia (educational institutions and researchers). Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Contact dxFeed: About Tradu Tradu is headquartered in London with offices around the world. The global Tradu team speaks more than two dozen languages and prides itself on its responsive and helpful client support. Stratos also operates FXCM, an FX and CFD platform founded in 1999. Stratos will continue to offer FXCM services alongside Tradu's multi-asset platform.

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IT Systems Management


PR Newswire | January 16, 2024

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that coordinates the Domain Name System (DNS), announced today the ICANN Grant Program, which will make millions of dollars in funding available to develop projects that support the growth of a single, open and globally interoperable Internet. ICANN is opening an application cycle for the first $10 million in grants in March 2024. Internet connectivity continues to increase worldwide, particularly in developing countries. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an estimated 5.3 billion of the world's population use the Internet as of 2022, a growth rate of 6.1% over 2021. The Grant Program will support this next phase of global Internet growth by fostering an inclusive and transparent approach to developing stable, secure Internet infrastructure solutions that support the Internet's unique identifier systems. "With the rapid evolution of emerging technologies, businesses and security models, it is critical that the Internet's unique identifier systems continue to evolve," said Sally Costerton, Interim President and CEO, ICANN. "The ICANN Grant Program offers a new avenue to further those efforts by investing in projects that are committed to and support ICANN's vision of a single, open and globally interoperable Internet that fosters inclusion amongst a broad, global community of users." ICANN expects to begin accepting grant applications on 25 March 2024. The application window will remain open until 24 May 2024. A complete list of eligibility criteria can be found at: Once the application window closes, all applications are subject to admissibility and eligibility checks. An Independent Application Assessment Panel will review admissible and eligible applications and the tentative timeline to announce the grantees of the first cycle is in January of 2025. Potential applicants will have several opportunities to learn more about the Call for Proposals and ask ICANN Grant Program staff members questions through question-and-answer webinar sessions in the coming months. For more information on the program, including eligibility and submission requirements, the ICANN Grant Program Applicant Guide is available at About ICANN ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secured and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world.

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Application Infrastructure

Legrand Acquires Data Center, Branch, and Edge Management Infrastructure Market Leader ZPE Systems, Inc.

Legrand | January 15, 2024

Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, including data center solutions, has announced its acquisition is complete of ZPE Systems, Inc., a Fremont, California-based company that offers critical solutions and services to deliver resilience and security for customers' business critical infrastructure. This includes serial console servers, sensors, and services routers that enable remote access and management of network IT equipment from data centers to the edge. The acquisition brings together ZPE's secure and open management infrastructure and services delivery platform for data center, branch, and edge environments to Legrand's comprehensive data center solutions of overhead busway, custom cabinets, intelligent PDUs, KVM switches, and advanced fiber solutions. ZPE Systems will become a business unit of Legrand's Data, Power, and Control (DPC) Division. Arnaldo Zimmermann will continue to serve as Vice President and General Manager of ZPE Systems, reporting to Brian DiBella, President of Legrand's DPC Division. "ZPE Systems leads the fast growing and profitable data center and edge management infrastructure market. This acquisition allows Legrand to enter a promising new segment whose strong growth is expected to accelerate further with the development of artificial intelligence and associated needs," said John Selldorff, President and CEO, Legrand, North and Central America. "Edge computing, AI and operational technology will require more complex data centers and edge infrastructure with intelligent IT needs to be built in disparate remote geographies. This makes remote management and operation a critical requirement. ZPE Systems is well positioned to address this need through high performance automation infrastructure solutions, which are complementary to our current data center offerings." "By joining forces with Legrand, ZPE Systems is advancing our leadership position in management infrastructure and propelling our technology and solutions to further support existing and new market opportunities," said Zimmermann. About Legrand and Legrand, North and Central America Legrand is the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures. Its comprehensive offering of solutions for commercial, industrial, and residential markets makes it a benchmark for customers worldwide. The Group harnesses technological and societal trends with lasting impacts on buildings with the purpose of improving lives by transforming the spaces where people live, work, and meet with electrical, digital infrastructures and connected solutions that are simple, innovative, and sustainable. Drawing on an approach that involves all teams and stakeholders, Legrand is pursuing its strategy of profitable and responsible growth driven by acquisitions and innovation, with a steady flow of new offerings—including products with enhanced value in use (faster expanding segments: data centers, connected offerings and energy efficiency programs). Legrand reported sales of €8.0 billion in 2022. The company is listed on Euronext Paris and is notably a component stock of the CAC 40 and CAC 40 ESG indexes.

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Application Infrastructure

dxFeed Launches Market Data IaaS Project for Tradu, Assumes Infrastructure and Data Provision Responsibilities

PR Newswire | January 25, 2024

dxFeed, a global leader in data solutions and index management for the financial industry, announces the launch of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) project for Tradu, an advanced multi-asset trading platform catering to active traders and investors. In this venture, dxFeed manages the crucial aspects of infrastructure and data provision for Tradu. As an award-winning IaaS provider (the Best Infrastructure Provider by the Sell-Side Technology Awards 2023), dxFeed is poised to address all technical challenges related to market data delivery to hundreds of thousands of end users, allowing Tradu to focus on its core business objectives. Users worldwide can seamlessly connect to Tradu's platform, receiving authorization tokens for access to high-quality market data from the EU, US, Hong Kong, and Australian Exchanges. This approach eliminates the complexities and bottlenecks associated with building, maintaining, and scaling the infrastructure required for such extensive global data access. dxFeed's scalable low latency infrastructure ensures the delivery of consolidated and top-notch market data from diverse sources to the clients located in Asia, Americas and Europe. With the ability to rapidly reconfigure and accommodate the growing performance demands, dxFeed is equipped to serve hundreds of thousands of concurrent clients, with the potential to scale the solution even further in order to meet the constantly growing demand, at the same time providing a seamless and reliable experience. One of the highlights of this collaboration is the introduction of brand-new data feed services exclusively for Tradu's Stocks platform. This proprietary solution enhances Tradu's offerings and demonstrates dxFeed's commitment to delivering tailored and innovative solutions. Tradu also benefits from dxFeed's Stocks Radar—a comprehensive technical and fundamental market analysis solution. This Software as a Service (SaaS) seamlessly integrates with infrastructure, offering added value to traders and investors by simplifying complex analytical tasks. Moreover, Tradu leverages the advantages of dxFeed's composite feed (the winner at The Technical Analyst Awards). This accolade reinforces dxFeed's commitment to delivering excellence in data provision, further solidifying Tradu's position as a global leader in online foreign exchange. "When we were thinking of our new sophisticated multi-asset trading platform for the active trader and investors we met with the necessity of expanding instrument and user numbers. We realized we needed a highly competent, professional team to deploy the infrastructure, taking into account the peculiarities of our processes and services," said Brendan Callan, CEO of Tradu. "On the one hand, it allows our clients to receive quality consolidating data from multiple sources. On the other hand, as a leading global provider of online foreign exchange, we can dispose of dxFeed's geo-scalable infrastructure and perform rapid reconfiguration to meet growing performance demands to provide data to hundreds of thousands of our clients around the globe." "The range of businesses finding the Market Data IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model appealing continues to expand. This approach is gaining traction among various enterprises, from agile startups seeking rapid development to established, prominent brands acknowledging the strategic benefits of delegating market data infrastructure to specialized firms," said Oleg Solodukhin, CEO of dxFeed. By taking on the responsibilities of infrastructure and data provision, dxFeed empowers Tradu to focus on innovation and client satisfaction, setting the stage for a transformative journey in the dynamic world of financial trading. About dxFeed dxFeed is a leading market data and services provider and calculation agent for the capital markets industry. According to the WatersTechnology 2022 IMD & IRD awards honors, it's the "Most Innovative Market Data Project." dxFeed focuses primarily on delivering financial information and services to buy- and sell-side institutions in global markets, both traditional and crypto. That includes brokerages, prop traders, exchanges, individuals (traders, quants, and portfolio managers), and academia (educational institutions and researchers). Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Contact dxFeed: About Tradu Tradu is headquartered in London with offices around the world. The global Tradu team speaks more than two dozen languages and prides itself on its responsive and helpful client support. Stratos also operates FXCM, an FX and CFD platform founded in 1999. Stratos will continue to offer FXCM services alongside Tradu's multi-asset platform.

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IT Systems Management


PR Newswire | January 16, 2024

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that coordinates the Domain Name System (DNS), announced today the ICANN Grant Program, which will make millions of dollars in funding available to develop projects that support the growth of a single, open and globally interoperable Internet. ICANN is opening an application cycle for the first $10 million in grants in March 2024. Internet connectivity continues to increase worldwide, particularly in developing countries. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an estimated 5.3 billion of the world's population use the Internet as of 2022, a growth rate of 6.1% over 2021. The Grant Program will support this next phase of global Internet growth by fostering an inclusive and transparent approach to developing stable, secure Internet infrastructure solutions that support the Internet's unique identifier systems. "With the rapid evolution of emerging technologies, businesses and security models, it is critical that the Internet's unique identifier systems continue to evolve," said Sally Costerton, Interim President and CEO, ICANN. "The ICANN Grant Program offers a new avenue to further those efforts by investing in projects that are committed to and support ICANN's vision of a single, open and globally interoperable Internet that fosters inclusion amongst a broad, global community of users." ICANN expects to begin accepting grant applications on 25 March 2024. The application window will remain open until 24 May 2024. A complete list of eligibility criteria can be found at: Once the application window closes, all applications are subject to admissibility and eligibility checks. An Independent Application Assessment Panel will review admissible and eligible applications and the tentative timeline to announce the grantees of the first cycle is in January of 2025. Potential applicants will have several opportunities to learn more about the Call for Proposals and ask ICANN Grant Program staff members questions through question-and-answer webinar sessions in the coming months. For more information on the program, including eligibility and submission requirements, the ICANN Grant Program Applicant Guide is available at About ICANN ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secured and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world.

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Application Infrastructure

Legrand Acquires Data Center, Branch, and Edge Management Infrastructure Market Leader ZPE Systems, Inc.

Legrand | January 15, 2024

Legrand, a global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, including data center solutions, has announced its acquisition is complete of ZPE Systems, Inc., a Fremont, California-based company that offers critical solutions and services to deliver resilience and security for customers' business critical infrastructure. This includes serial console servers, sensors, and services routers that enable remote access and management of network IT equipment from data centers to the edge. The acquisition brings together ZPE's secure and open management infrastructure and services delivery platform for data center, branch, and edge environments to Legrand's comprehensive data center solutions of overhead busway, custom cabinets, intelligent PDUs, KVM switches, and advanced fiber solutions. ZPE Systems will become a business unit of Legrand's Data, Power, and Control (DPC) Division. Arnaldo Zimmermann will continue to serve as Vice President and General Manager of ZPE Systems, reporting to Brian DiBella, President of Legrand's DPC Division. "ZPE Systems leads the fast growing and profitable data center and edge management infrastructure market. This acquisition allows Legrand to enter a promising new segment whose strong growth is expected to accelerate further with the development of artificial intelligence and associated needs," said John Selldorff, President and CEO, Legrand, North and Central America. "Edge computing, AI and operational technology will require more complex data centers and edge infrastructure with intelligent IT needs to be built in disparate remote geographies. This makes remote management and operation a critical requirement. ZPE Systems is well positioned to address this need through high performance automation infrastructure solutions, which are complementary to our current data center offerings." "By joining forces with Legrand, ZPE Systems is advancing our leadership position in management infrastructure and propelling our technology and solutions to further support existing and new market opportunities," said Zimmermann. About Legrand and Legrand, North and Central America Legrand is the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures. Its comprehensive offering of solutions for commercial, industrial, and residential markets makes it a benchmark for customers worldwide. The Group harnesses technological and societal trends with lasting impacts on buildings with the purpose of improving lives by transforming the spaces where people live, work, and meet with electrical, digital infrastructures and connected solutions that are simple, innovative, and sustainable. Drawing on an approach that involves all teams and stakeholders, Legrand is pursuing its strategy of profitable and responsible growth driven by acquisitions and innovation, with a steady flow of new offerings—including products with enhanced value in use (faster expanding segments: data centers, connected offerings and energy efficiency programs). Legrand reported sales of €8.0 billion in 2022. The company is listed on Euronext Paris and is notably a component stock of the CAC 40 and CAC 40 ESG indexes.

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